How to use gmail mailbox, nanny level tutorial

With the popularization and development of the Internet, e-mail has become an indispensable part of people's daily life and work. As a free email service launched by Google, Gmail is favored by users around the world with its powerful functions, simple interface and stable service. The following editor will provide you with a nanny level Gmail tutorial to help you quickly master the functions and skills of Gmail.

How to use Google Email

Preparations before using Google Email: magic tool (self provided, otherwise you can't even open Google's official website)

1、 Register Gmail account

First, you need to register a Gmail account on Google's official website. Open Google's official website, click the "Login" button in the upper right corner, and then select "Create Account". According to the prompts on the page, fill in your name, user name, password and other necessary information, and set your mobile phone or standby email as the recovery option. After completing the registration, you can start using Gmail.


2、 Log in to Gmail

Enter the Gmail website (mail. google. com) in the browser, then enter your user name and password, and click the "Login" button to enter your Gmail email interface.


Exclusive Google account

We also have an off the shelf exclusive Google account. If you need it, you can click the link below to buy it. They are used independently by one person and one number, so you can rest assured.


3、 Introduction to Email Interface

The interface of Gmail is simple and clear, which is mainly divided into the following parts:

Left navigation bar: including common folders such as Inbox, Outbox, Drafts, Sent Items, and Deleted Items.

Mail list: displays all received mail, which can be sorted and filtered according to sender, subject, date, etc.

Message content area: displays the details of the selected message.

Toolbar at the bottom: including reply, forward, delete, mark and other operation buttons.

4、 Sending and receiving mail

Send Email: click the "Write Email" button in the upper left corner of the interface, enter the recipient's email address, email subject and email body, and then click the "Send" button. You can also add attachments, insert links, set email priority, etc.

Receive mail: Gmail will automatically display new mail in the mail list when it arrives. You can click the email title or preview content to view the details of the email.

5、 Mail management and organization

Create folder: click the "+" button below the left navigation bar to create a new folder for classified management of mail.

Move mail: select the mail to be moved, click the "Move To" button above the mail title, and select the target folder.

Search email: enter keywords or sender address in the search box to quickly find relevant email.

Mark mail: You can use asterisks, labels and other functions to mark mail for future search.

Delete mail: select the mail to be deleted and click Delete on the bottom toolbar. Please note that the deleted messages will enter the "Deleted Items" folder. If you want to delete them completely, please enter the folder and delete them again.

6、 Introduction to advanced functions

Mail filtering: By setting a filter, you can automatically classify qualified mail into a specified folder to improve mail processing efficiency.

Email signature: set email signature in Settings to enable each email with personalized signature information.

Mail recall: within a certain time after sending an email, you can choose to recall the email to avoid information disclosure or mis sending.

Through the above tutorial, I believe you have a comprehensive understanding of the use of Gmail mailbox. With your continuous exploration and practice in actual use, you will gradually master more skills and functions. You can refer to the above steps and take a look at them if necessary.

  • This article is written by Published on February 21, 2024 16:18:47
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