How does Apple use Twitter? Tutorial of Apple Mobile Twitter

With the advancement of the digital era, social media has become a part of our daily life. Among them, Twitter, as one of the largest microblog social networks in the world, has attracted hundreds of millions of users. For many iPhone users, how to use Twitter efficiently and safely on their phones may be a matter of concern. This article will provide you with a detailed tutorial on using Twitter on iPhone to help you easily master the skills of using Twitter.


1、 Download and install Twitter applications


1. One Apple mobile phone

2. One American Apple ID


If you need a foreign Apple ID account, you can directly click the icon link to purchase an exclusive ID account, which can be downloaded through formal channels. 100% safe!

Download Tutorials

After the American Apple ID is ready, you can go to the download and installation steps below!

The first step is to find the "APP Store" and open the APP software.

Step 2: In the opened "APP Store" interface, pull to the bottom to see a "Exit Login" button, and click the button.

Step 3: After logging out, there is an input box for Pingguo ID and password at the top of the interface. Enter the new Apple ID and password here.

4. At this time, you can search "Twitter" or "twitter" in the search box of the App Store, and these keywords can be found.

2、 Registration and login account

1. First of all, we need to connect scientific Internet tools. Please choose clean and stable IP for IP proxy;

2. Open Twitter APP and log in directly if you have an account. Click the registration button if you don't have an account. You can also purchase Twitter accounts;


3. Fill in the name, email address and password according to the prompts;


There will be a verification code email in the email you filled in. Go to the email to activate the email;


4. After activation, it is robot verification. Tick it to indicate that I am not a robot;


5. Picture verification, as shown in the figure below, find out the picture of (bus bus), check it and click (VERIFY to confirm);


6. Then enter Twitter settings to bind mobile phone numbers;


7. First select China, then fill in your phone number;


8. Enter the verification code, and the Twitter account is successfully registered;

3、 Explore and focus on content

After logging in, you will see the main interface of Twitter. Here are the tweets sent by the users you follow, as well as the recommended tweets based on your interests. You can scroll through the screen to see more. To follow other users, you can click their avatar or user name, enter their personal homepage, and click the "Follow" button. You can also browse popular topics and trends to learn about popular events and discussions around the world.

4、 Publish and edit tweets

To post your own tweet, click the "Tweet" button in the upper right corner of the screen (usually a blue bird icon). In the text box that appears, enter your idea or message, up to 280 characters. You can add pictures, videos, GIF animations or location information to make your tweets more vivid. When editing tweets, you can also use various emoticons, tags and @ mention functions to interact with other users. After editing, click the "Tweet" button to publish.

5、 Interaction and comments

On Twitter, you can like, forward or comment on other users' tweets. To comment on a tweet, click the "Reply" button below the tweet, enter your comment, and then click "Send". You can also like other users' tweets to express your approval or support. If you want to share a tweet to more friends, you can click the "Forward" button to share the tweet to your personal timeline or other social media platforms.

6、 Use advanced features and search

Twitter provides many advanced features that can help you better use the platform. For example, you can use the search function to find specific topics, users, or keywords. Enter keywords in the search box, and Twitter will return relevant tweets, users, and topics. In addition, you can also use the filter function to limit the search results to a certain time period or source.

7、 Settings and privacy protection

In order to protect your privacy, we recommend that you adjust your privacy settings in Settings. Enter the "Settings" interface, and you can adjust privacy options such as who can follow you and who can see your tweets. You can also choose which types of notifications to receive in order to obtain important information in a timely manner. In settings, you can also view and manage your account information and security settings to ensure your account security.

8、 Participate in activities and topic discussions

Twitter often has various activities and topic discussions. You can participate in them and share your views and experience with other users. For example, you can participate in a question and answer activity on Twitter to ask or answer questions to other users. In addition, you can also participate in the discussion of popular topics and share your views and opinions with other users.

Through the introduction of this article, you have mastered the basic steps and skills of using Twitter on Apple phones. From login to tweet, to interaction and comment, Twitter provides you with a platform to communicate with the world. I hope this tutorial can help you make better use of Twitter, establish contact with netizens around the world, and share your life and views. At the same time, please abide by the rules of social networks, respect the privacy and opinions of others, and jointly maintain a harmonious and healthy network environment when using Twitter.

  • This article is written by Published on February 13, 2024 09:22:00
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