How to cancel real name authentication for Xiaomi account (detailed operation method)

In the process of using the Xiaomi account, sometimes we may need to cancel the real name authentication. It is also convenient for us to better synchronize our mobile information, but sometimes if we don't want to use it, we need to cancel the real name authentication to be more secure. The following will provide you with detailed operation methods to help you easily complete the real name authentication and cancellation of Xiaomi account.

Xiaomi account cancellation steps

Step 1: click and open the setting application


Step 2: After arriving at the setting page shown below, click the Xiaomi account option indicated by the arrow.


Step 3: click the personal portrait on the Xiaomi account page as shown below.


Step 4, we can see the personal information interface as shown in the figure below, and click the real name authentication option indicated by the arrow.


Step 5: After arriving at the authentication status boundary page shown in the following figure, click the three dot icons in the upper right corner, and then click the Clear Real Name Information option in the pop-up window.


Step 6: Click the Start Clearing option at the bottom of the page in the real name clearing page shown below, and then clear your account according to the page prompts.


matters needing attention

Before canceling real name authentication, please ensure that you have backed up important account information, such as contacts, photos, etc. Once logged off, this information cannot be recovered.

After cancellation, you will lose all the rights and privileges of the account, including but not limited to cloud storage space, VIP members, etc. Please carefully consider whether it is worth logging off.

During the logout process, please keep the network connection stable and ensure that the mobile phone number and email address are correct. If you have any questions, please contact Xiaomi customer service for consultation.

In case of too long audit cycle or other problems, please wait patiently and keep an eye on the official notice. If necessary, you can complain to Xiaomi officials or settle disputes through legal channels.

Please follow the use rules and laws and regulations of Xiaomi account, and may not use the cancellation mechanism to engage in illegal acts or infringe on the rights and interests of others. In case of violation, they will bear corresponding legal liabilities.

The above is the detailed operation method of Xiaomi account cancellation real name authentication. In the process of operation, please read the instructions of each step carefully and follow the steps. If you encounter any problems or difficulties during the logout process, you can contact Xiaomi customer service for help and support at any time. I hope these methods can help you successfully complete the cancellation of real name authentication and protect your personal information security and legitimate rights and interests. At the same time, it also reminds you to strengthen the awareness of security when using Xiaomi account in daily life to avoid personal information disclosure and other security risks.

  • This article is written by Published on February 2, 2024 16:09:52
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