Why Zhihu's account cannot be cancelled? You should know these reasons

As a well-known Q&A community in China, Zhihu has attracted a large number of users. But sometimes, for various reasons, users may want to log off their accounts. However, some users may encounter difficulties in logging off. The following editor will discuss with you the reasons why Zhihu's account cannot be cancelled, and give some possible solutions.


1、 Zhihu's account cannot be cancelled

Bind third-party account

Zhihu account may be bound with other third-party accounts (such as WeChat, QQ, etc.). If the user does not unbind these third-party accounts, the Zhihu account cannot be successfully logged off.

Unfinished community obligations

Some users have answers, articles and other contributions on Zhihu. If these contributions are not completed or processed, users may not be able to log off their accounts.


If the user's Zhihu account violates the rules, such as publishing bad information, infringing on the rights and interests of others, Zhihu may restrict the cancellation of the account.

Account security

If the user's Zhihu account has security problems, such as being embezzled by others or having security risks, Zhihu may temporarily freeze the account, resulting in failure to log off.

2、 Solution

Unbind the third-party account

Users can go to the setting page of Zhihu to find the option of unbinding third-party accounts and unbind the third-party accounts one by one. After unbinding, try to logout the account.

Dealing with community obligations

If the user's Zhihu account has outstanding community obligations, you can try to complete these obligations before logging off. For example, you can delete incomplete answers, articles, etc., or handle related complaints and reports.

Correct violations

If the user's Zhihu account has violations, it is recommended to correct them first. You can correct violations by deleting bad information, infringing content, etc. After correcting the violation, try to cancel the account. At the same time, users should also strengthen account security protection to avoid repeated violations.

Solve account security problems

If the user's Zhihu account has security problems, it is recommended to contact Zhihu customer service immediately. Relevant evidence and information can be provided so that Zhihu customer service can better help users solve problems. After the security problem is solved, try to logout the account again. At the same time, users should also strengthen account security protection measures, such as changing passwords regularly and enabling dual authentication.

This paper discusses the reasons why Zhihu's account cannot be cancelled, and gives the corresponding solutions. Users can choose appropriate solutions according to their own specific conditions. At the same time, it also reminds users to carefully consider before logging off their accounts to ensure that their information and data are properly handled. If the user encounters a problem that cannot be solved, it is recommended to contact Zhihu customer service for help in a timely manner. If there is anything you don't understand, you can go to the official office to check the reason and find a solution.

  • This article is written by Published on February 1, 2024 16:30:39
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/29172.html
