Apple's method of registering ins, iPhone users must see the instagram registration process

Instagram is a social application running on the mobile terminal. It shares pictures captured at any time with each other in a fast, wonderful and interesting way. Because of its convenient operation interface and rich functions, Instagram has become one of the social media platforms widely used worldwide. If you want to use Instagram in China, you must first register for an Instagram account. The following article will introduce how to use Apple mobile phones to register for an Instagram account.


What is instagram

Instagram (IG for short) is a social application running on the mobile terminal. It shares pictures captured at any time with each other in a fast, wonderful and interesting way.

Users can use mobile device based applications to make it easier for people to participate, abandoning the traditional SLR or even the card machine. Mobile device based Instagram allows people to enjoy the fun of shooting and transmitting, and share the fun of life with friends anytime and anywhere.

In addition, Instagram also provides a variety of classic and interesting special effect styles to make ordinary photos look more interesting. Even without PS, these special effects are enough to make users create amazing works.

Instagram also has the following features:

Mainly pictures and short videos: Instagram allows users to share life through pictures and short videos. Users can add filter effect to their photos or videos, and select the tags they like to classify them.

Social attribute: Instagram is a social platform, where users can follow their favorite stars, celebrities or friends, view their published content, and interact with them.

Business attributes: Many brands and enterprises also use Instagram to promote their products and services. They can create their own Instagram account, publish attractive pictures and videos, and attract more followers.

Discovery function: Instagram provides a "discovery" function. Users can browse popular trends, photos and videos, and explore content related to their interests.

Privacy settings: users can control who can see their own content and interact with other users. Instagram provides privacy setting options, allowing users to limit who can see their posts and followers list.

Data analysis: Instagram provides a data analysis tool that allows users to view various data of their account, such as the number of followers, post interaction rate, etc., so as to better understand their influence.

The method for apple to register ins

Step 1: magic link

The whole journey must have this!

Step 2: Software download


If you need a finished Apple ID account, you can directly click on the icon link to purchase an exclusive ID account, which can be downloaded from the regular platform and is 100% safe.

After logging in to the US ID, search in the App Store and download directly


Apple users can easily play various foreign software by registering an ID in the United States, and ins is no exception!

Step 3: ins account registration

Registration number. It is recommended to register in the web version first. The web version registration is relatively simple, and then go to the APP.

Call the official website (www.instagram. com) and suggest using foreign mail to register. The domestic mobile phone number and email address cannot be registered. If the registration is successful, the user will be reminded that the account is illegal and cannot be used.


Click "Register Now"


Fill in the email address, set the relevant information and click "Register"

Age must be over 18


Check the verification code at the registered email address


Registration succeeded.

The above are the basic steps for registering an Instagram account. It should be noted that the interface and functions of Instagram may vary depending on the region and server. If you encounter problems or cannot complete the registration, you can try to change the network environment, contact Instagram customer service or find relevant tutorials to solve them.

  • This article is written by Published on February 5, 2024 16:42:38
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