Where is the web page qq login portal (computer version qq login method)

QQ, as an instant messaging software, has become an indispensable part of people's daily life. Whose mobile phone does not have QQ and QQ account. Of course, for convenience, many people will choose to log in through the web version when using QQ, so that they can easily keep in touch with friends at any time and anywhere. So, where is the login portal of QQ? Now let's talk about it in detail.

How to log in to QQ website

1、 Open Browser

First, you need to open a browser. Open your commonly used browser on your computer or mobile phone, such as Google Browser, Firefox, Safari, etc.


2、 Enter web address

Enter "QQ website address" in the browser address bar. Please note that you need to ensure that the correct URL is entered to avoid entering fake or malicious websites. You can search the "QQ official website" in the search engine to get the correct website. (im.qq.com)


3、 Click the "Login" button

On the official QQ website page, you will see a prominent "Login" button. Click this button to enter the QQ login page.


4、 Fill in the account and password

On the login page, you need to fill in your QQ account and password. If you have checked the "Remember password" option, the system will automatically fill in your password to simplify the login process.

5、 Select Login Method

After completing the account and password, you can choose your login method. In addition to traditional QQ account login, you can also choose WeChat, mobile phone verification code and other login methods.


6、 Confirm Login

After selecting the login method, click the "Login" button. The system will perform a security verification to ensure that your login behavior is secure. After verification, you can successfully log in to the web version of QQ.

Please note that in order to ensure the security of your account, please do not log in to QQ in public places or using public networks. At the same time, please ensure that your computer or mobile device is safe and reliable to avoid account theft or other security threats.

In addition, with the continuous updating and upgrading of QQ, the login portal of the web version may change. If you cannot find the login portal or encounter other problems in the above steps, you can try to update your browser or reinstall QQ software to ensure that your device and software are the latest version. You can also visit QQ's official website or contact QQ customer service for more help and guidance.

In a word, through the above steps, you should be able to easily find the login portal of web page QQ and successfully complete the login. I hope this article will help you! If you have any other questions or suggestions, please feel free to ask and share them.

  • This article is written by Published on January 18, 2024 14:17:18
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/28347.html
