Register Google email (the most detailed registration process of the whole network)

Google Mail, also known as Gmail, is one of the email services widely used around the world. It provides rich functions, such as search, filtering, tagging and automatic archiving, to make your mail management more convenient. If you don't have a Google email account, now let's learn how to register Google email! Friends in need can refer to it.

Google email account registration process

Tools to prepare before registration

1. Scientific Internet access: domestic users need to use scientific Internet access to open the Gmail website.

2. Email address: a common email address used to receive confirmation emails from Google Email.

3. Mobile phone number: used to receive SMS verification when Google email account is registered. Brother Chuan uses China Mobile. I haven't tried other operators

If you don't want to register yourself, we have a ready-made Google account that can be used independently by one person and one account, and can also support password change, so you can click the link below to buy if you need.


1、 Open the official website of Google Email

First, enter the URL of Google Email in the browser( ), and then click the "Enter Email" button.


2、 Create a Google account

If you don't have a Google account, you need to create one first. Click the "Create Account" button in the upper right corner of the page. Fill in relevant information, including user name, password, name, birthday and gender. Note that the user name can only use an email address and cannot be duplicate with other Google services. After filling in, click the "Create Account" button.


3、 Verify account

To ensure the security of your account, Google will send a verification email to your registered email address. Please open your registered email, find the verification email sent by Google, and click the "Verify My Email" link in the email. After the verification is successful, you can start using Google Mail.


4、 Set Google Email

After entering Google Email, you can personalize according to your own preferences. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the page to enter the setting page. Here, you can adjust font size, add account alias, change theme and background, etc. Set it according to your personal preferences to make your Google email more consistent with your usage habits.

5、 Use Google Mail

Now, you have successfully registered Google Mail. You can start using its various functions. In the navigation bar on the left side of the page, you can see folders such as Inbox, Outbox, Drafts, Trash, etc. You can click the corresponding folder to view the mail. If you want to write a new email, click the "Write Email" button. On the email writing page, you can enter the recipient's address, subject and body content. You can also add attachments or use advanced features, such as spell checking and autocomplete. After sending an email, you can check the other party's reply in the inbox or continue to communicate with the other party.


6、 Manage Mail

Google Mail provides rich email management functions. You can use the search box to quickly find messages, use filters to automatically classify messages, or mark messages as read or unread. You can also create custom folders to organize your messages so that you can better manage your messages.

7、 Set Notification

In order to keep abreast of new messages and other important notifications, you can set notification options. On the setup page, find the "Notification" tab and set it according to your needs. For example, you can choose to receive alerts through desktop notifications or mobile push notifications when you receive new mail. In this way, you can keep abreast of email trends, and quickly reply or deal with related matters.

Through the above steps, you have successfully registered Google Mail and learned its basic operation. Now, you can begin to enjoy the convenient service brought by Google Mail. Remember to keep your account secure and protect your privacy. Do not share sensitive information or use weak passwords. In this way, you can better use Google Mail to manage and exchange information. Of course, if you don't want to register yourself, you can directly click the link above to purchase an account. All accounts are independent accounts.

Related links:

How to download Google Earth? (Latest detailed tutorials of Apple and Android)

How to register a US Google account? (Google registration tutorial in America)

  • This article is written by Published on January 16, 2024 14:38:10
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