Google registered account official website is free (share the latest account in 2024)

Google is one of the largest search engines and Internet companies in the world, providing a series of high-quality products and services, such as Gmail, Google Maps, Google Drive, etc. By registering a Google account, you can enjoy these convenient online services. However, many people do not know how to register Google accounts or are troubled by problems encountered in the process of registration. The following editor will introduce in detail how to register a Google account for free and share the latest account in 2024.

1、 Steps to register a Google account

1. First connect the scientific online software you have prepared, then open Google's official website ( com), click it with a login button in the upper right corner, click "Create Account", and select [Create for myself] and [For merchant management] according to your needs.


2. Enter your relevant information according to the prompt, and then click Next;


3. This step is critical,

(1) The first case: when you are lucky (related to various factors, such as clean IP, no recent Google account registration, etc.), your account registration page is shown in the following figure. The phone number is (optional), which means that you can directly enter the next step by selecting the birthday and gender without entering the phone number;


(2) The second case is that too many users need to verify their mobile phone numbers to complete account registration. Select China as the area code, enter your phone number, and click Next;


Too many people get stuck in this step, which leads to unsuccessful registration. If your mobile phone receives the verification code input, it can be successfully registered;


If it appears after entering the verification code: this phone number cannot be used for verification. Then your registration fails, and you need to register again in another way


Exclusive Google account

Foreign trade provides one person, one account, and even supports changing the password, so you can click the link below to buy and use it directly if you need.


2、 How to solve problems encountered during registration

During the registration process, some problems may be encountered, such as the verification code cannot be received, the email address has been used, etc. For these problems, you can try the following solutions:

Confirm whether the email address is correct, and check whether the email is spam or blocked.

Replace the browser or clear the browser cache and try to register again.

Try changing the email address or re registering with a different email address.

If the verification code cannot be received, you can try to change the language or region and resend the verification code.

If the email address has been used, you can try to retrieve the password or contact Google customer service.

3、 Google account free sharing

The first group of Google accounts: Account: Password: YDQqGfkzx1 Secondary email:

The second group of Google accounts: Account: Password: G9VY2AYP Secondary email:

The third group of Google accounts: Account: Password: ReiBN7BibNbL Secondary Email:

Basically, it is the registration steps described above. If you need to, you can refer to the sharing in this article, or click the purchase link above. You can directly own an exclusive Google account. I hope this article can help you.

Related links:

How to register a US Google account? (Google registration tutorial in America)

Gg exclusive account sales platform (one person, one account, independent use)

  • This article is written by Published on January 16, 2024 14:30:07
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