How to register the switch account of the port server (the switch port server account registration tutorial)

The popularity of Switch game consoles has enriched everyone's entertainment life, and many players also want to explore and enjoy the rich content in the Switch game library. For Chinese players, registering the switch account of the Hong Kong service has become an important choice, because the Hong Kong service store provides more Chinese games and preferential activities. The following editor will provide you with a detailed account registration tutorial for the Switch port server to help you successfully complete the registration.

1、 Preparatory work

Before starting to register, make sure you have the following information ready:

Email address: used to receive the verification code from the switch.

Date of birth: used to verify whether the age meets the requirements of the Hong Kong service.

Phone number in Hong Kong (optional): used to receive SMS verification code. If you are in Hong Kong or have a phone number in Hong Kong.

2、 Registration process

Open the Switch game console and enter the system interface.


Click "Log in/Sign up" in the upper right corner of the above page. This link is used for both registered accounts and daily account login.


After clicking, select Sign up in the pop-up menu on the right to register an account. Select Log in for normal login.

When you jump to the above page, you need to fill in the date of birth, please fill in truthfully. Nintendo has some restrictions for players of different ages. For example, the account of a 10-year-old child needs parental monitoring.


3、 Basic information filling and precautions

After filling in the date of birth, you will jump to the above page. The following points are shared about the page that needs to fill in some details:

Please fill in your nickname, and you can change your email address at any time in the future. You can use the common QQ mailbox, which has been tested by most people. In addition, the mailbox can also be replaced. More ways to play mailbox will be explained later. Countries/regions: Select the countries or regions in the languages you are familiar with. You can change them after registering in the regions (for example, if you want to register an account in Brazil, you can directly select Brazil here or modify it at any time after registration). Please note that it is not necessary to register a Japanese account because you are a Japanese switch host. In addition, when you bind your account to the host computer to log in to Eshop later, the language is synchronized with the country you currently select. If you do not have a foreign language foundation, it is recommended to choose Hong Kong, China first. Because after binding the host, entering Eshop is in Chinese, you can get familiar with the host environment and menus first. The above "Agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of Nintendo Account" must be selected to create an account. It is recommended that you at least read the Terms of Use, which will contain some information to help you avoid troubles in the use of some accounts. Click "Create" to jump to the following page.

Fill in the verification code and successfully register


You need to enter a verification code to continue the registration.


The verification code will be sent to the email you filled in when you just registered. The general content of the email is shown in the figure above.

After entering the verification code, you will be prompted that the Nintendo account has been created.

matters needing attention

During the registration process, please ensure that the correct email address and password are used. This will help you to receive notifications from Switch and manage your account in the future.

Protect your account security. Do not disclose account information to others, avoid using insecure network connections, and change passwords regularly.

Please observe relevant laws, regulations and game rules when using the Hong Kong service account. Do not commit any illegal acts, such as using illegal software, cracking games, etc.

If you encounter any problems during the registration process, you can try to resend the verification email or contact the official customer service of Switch for help.

It is not complicated to register the switch port server account, just follow the above steps. During the registration process, please be sure to provide correct information and protect your account security. By registering your Hong Kong service account, you will be able to enjoy more Chinese games and promotional activities, and enjoy the game world with global players.

  • This article is written by Published on January 11, 2024 14:33:01
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