The ID, account and password are both correct but cannot be logged in (perfect solution)

In our daily use of various online services, we sometimes encounter the situation that the account password is correct but we cannot log in. This may be caused by a variety of reasons, such as network problems, server failures, account locking, etc. If our account and password are correct but we cannot log in, the following article will provide you with a perfect solution to this problem and help you log in smoothly.

The Apple ID account and password can't log in for any reason

1、 Check network connection

First, make sure your network connection is stable. Try switching to another network environment, such as using a mobile data network or connecting to another Wi Fi network, and see if the problem still exists.


2、 Clear browser cache and cookies

The browser cache and cookies may cause authentication to fail. Open the browser settings, find the option to clear the cache and cookies, and then clean them. After cleaning, try to log in again.

3、 Disable browser plug-in

Some browser plug-ins may interfere with the login process. Try disabling these plug-ins, and then try logging in again. Common browser plug-ins include advertisement blockers, privacy protection plug-ins, etc.

4、 Check account status

Your account may be locked or restricted for some reason. Please check your account status to see if there are any abnormal prompts. If yes, please follow the prompts to perform corresponding operations, such as resetting the password or contacting customer service to remove restrictions.


5、 Contact customer service support

If none of the above methods can solve the problem, it may be the server side problem. At this time, the best way is to contact customer service support. You can contact customer service personnel through online customer service, email or telephone, explain your problem to them, and seek help to solve it. Provide as much relevant information as possible, such as account information, problems encountered, etc., so that customer service personnel can better assist you.

6、 Confirm whether the service is normal

Sometimes, the service you use may be under maintenance or broken down. You can visit the official website or social media page of the service to check whether there is an announcement about maintenance or failure. If it is a server problem, waiting for a period of time before trying to log in may restore normal.

Exclusive Apple ID

We have a ready-made Apple ID account for you. If you need it, please see this article. It is available in all countries. One person, one number can be used independently, so you can buy it with confidence.


7、 Multi factor authentication

If your account has enabled multifactor authentication (such as mobile phone verification code or application specific password), make sure you have entered the correct authentication information. Sometimes, it may be that there is a problem in the verification phase that causes the login failure. You can try to obtain the verification code again or reset the application specific password.

8、 Account security protection

Please ensure that your account security is properly set. This includes measures such as regularly updating passwords, using strong password policies, and enabling two-step verification. These security measures can increase the security of the account and reduce the risk of being stolen.

The problem that the ID, account, and password are both correct but cannot be logged in may be caused by a variety of reasons. Through the perfect solutions provided above, you can check and solve the corresponding problems one by one. Remember, when you encounter a login problem, it is critical to be patient and check each link carefully. At the same time, regularly updating passwords and enabling security measures are also important measures to protect account security. If the problem still cannot be solved, do not hesitate to contact customer service support for more professional help. I hope these methods can help you solve problems smoothly and enjoy a pleasant online service experience.

Related links:

Why does someone try to log in to my appleid? Solution for remote login of appleid

How much does it cost to unlock the Apple ID lock? (Charging standard for general mobile phone stores)

  • This article is written by Published on January 4, 2024 15:54:39
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