How to register an account in the US app store (share the image and text steps)

The US App Store is one of the largest app stores in the world, with many excellent applications. In order to download and update applications on the US App Store, you need to register a US App Store account first. Now we will introduce how to register an account in the US App Store for you in detail, so that you can easily enjoy rich applications.

Registration steps

First enter the Apple ID official website, and then select "Login"


Find "Login Apple ID" in the settings and click to enter.


Click "Create Apple ID" in the pop-up interface.

Fill in the name, date of birth, email and other information, and click Continue.

Enter the email account and password, and click "Next".

Enter the mobile phone verification code and click "Next".

To set a security question, click Next.


After logging in, click "Country or Region" in "Personal Information"


Click "Change country or region"


Select "USA" in "Country or Region" (of course, if you want to register in other regions, you should select the corresponding region)


If "None" is selected as the payment method, the "First Name", "Last Name", "Street Address" and "City" in the bill sending address can be filled in freely, even if "aaaaaa" is filled in!


Select "Alaska" for "Province/City"!

Fill in "99622" for "Zip code"!

"Phone number" can be filled in according to the following figure!


To agree to the terms and conditions, click "Agree".

The registration is successful. You can use the account you just created to log in to the App Store.

If you think the steps of your registration are complicated, we also have a ready-made account to share with you. If you need it, you can click the link below to buy it. All of them are independent and independent.


matters needing attention

When registering, please make sure to use real personal information so that you can retrieve your account or verify your identity in the future.

Please remember the set password and security tips so that you can log in and retrieve your account in the future.

If you encounter problems during the registration process, you can try to change the network environment or restart the device.

When using the US App Store account, please comply with relevant laws and regulations and platform rules, and do not conduct illegal operations.

Through the above steps, you have successfully registered a US App Store account. Now you can enjoy exploring the rich applications on the American App Store, downloading the applications you are interested in, and enjoying the convenience of intelligent life anytime and anywhere. We hope that the sharing of this article will be helpful to your registration process. If you have other questions or need help, please feel free to contact Apple's official customer service.

Related links:

Overseas Apple ID account sales platform (one for one, safe and stable)

1 yuan foreign Apple ID purchase price is not one-time (purchase with high-quality and stable account)

  • This article is written by Published on January 3, 2024 15:31:10
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