How to access the website of Google App Store (Google Play official login portal)

Google Store is one of the main ways for Android users to download software. If you want to enter the webpage version of Google App Store, namely Google Play, you can follow the steps below. Please note that because Google services are restricted in mainland China, you may need to use scientific Internet tools or other methods to access Google Play.

Google Store webpage login portal

Google Play web portal:

Step 1: Open the browser

First, you need to open a browser. You can choose any browser you like, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.

Step 2: Enter the Google Play URL

In the address bar of the browser, enter the URL of Google Play. The official website of Google Play is:


Step 3: Switch to the international version or Hong Kong version

If you are in mainland China, you may need to switch to the international or Hong Kong version of Google Play. This is because there are restrictions on Google's services in mainland China, so you may not be able to directly access Google Play in mainland China. You can try to visit Google Play versions in other regions, such as the US version and Hong Kong version. Usually, you can add "/region" to the URL of Google Play to switch between regional versions. For example, for the American version of Google Play, you can enter: play. google. com/store/apps/details?。 For the Hong Kong version of Google Play, you can enter: play. google. com/store/apps/details?。

Step 4: Log in to Google account

On the Google Play page, you need to log in with your Google account. If you don't have a Google account, you need to create one first. During the login process, you may need to provide your personal information, such as name, email address and password. Make sure that the information you enter is accurate, and follow Google's registration policies and terms.

If you don't have a Google account, you can click the link below to buy it. All of them are used independently by one person and one account. They support password change and are safe and reliable.


Step 5: Browse and download applications

Once you log in to Google Play, you can start browsing and downloading apps. You can find the applications you are interested in through the search bar or category browsing. On the application page, you can view the details of the application, user comments, screenshots, etc. If you want to download the application, just click the "Install" button.

Step 6: Manage your Google Play account

On your Google Play account page, you can manage your applications, devices, purchase records, family members, etc. If you want to change your account settings or purchase new applications or games, you can do so on this page.

Through the above steps, you should be able to successfully enter the Google Play version of the Google App Store. Please note that due to restrictions on Google's services in mainland China, you may need to use scientific online software or other methods to access Google Play. At the same time, ensure that you comply with Google's policies and terms, and protect your personal information and account security.

Related links:

Google account sharing encyclopedia (free sharing, verified and available)

Purchase with Google account in the United States (high-quality Google account in the United States)

  • This article is written by Published on January 1, 2024 10:29:00
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