How to log in to the auxiliary mailbox of Google Mail (graphic steps)

For many users, Google Mail is an indispensable email service in their daily life. When using Google Email, sometimes we may need to log in to our auxiliary email. The auxiliary mailbox is used to help you protect and manage the additional mailbox address of the main mailbox. It is usually used to receive various notifications and verification information from Google. This article will give you a detailed introduction to how to log in to Google Mail's auxiliary mailbox, so that you can easily manage your account security.


Understanding secondary mailboxes

Alias is a function provided by Google Mail, which allows users to create multiple aliases for the same Google account. These aliases can be completely different from the primary mailbox, used for different purposes or receiving different types of mail. Understanding this feature can help you better manage and classify your e-mail.

Exclusive Google


Friends who need to use a Google account can click the icon link to buy a finished Google account, register in a formal channel, sell and delete the backup information immediately. It is absolutely safe to sell twice. Because YouTube is acquired by Google, so as long as you have a Google account, you can also use YouTube.

To log in to the secondary mailbox

Step 1: Log in to Google account and click personal information


Step 2: Add an alternate mailbox


Step 3: Input your email and click Add


Step 4: Then it will send verification information to your mailbox. If it is not received for the first time, click to resend


Step 5: Log in to your mailbox, and click "here" to directly verify that you have passed and bound to the standby mailbox


Secondary Mailbox Usage

Receiving non critical or secondary information: The auxiliary mailbox can be used as the mailbox for receiving some non critical or secondary information, such as notifications, updates or messages sent by other service providers.

Protect and promote people's health and improve the quality of life: For pharmaceutical enterprises, mailbox auxiliary accounts can be used to protect and improve people's health and improve the quality of life, and provide important support for family planning, disaster relief and epidemic prevention, military supplies and war preparedness, and promote economic development and social progress.

Use of auxiliary primary mailbox: the auxiliary mailbox can be used as the auxiliary of the primary mailbox to receive verification codes, login verification and other operations, so as to improve the security of the account.

Classify and manage e-mail: By setting multiple aliases, users can classify messages of different categories into different mailboxes for easy classification and management.

Improve work efficiency: With the alias function, users can manage multiple e-mail addresses at the same time, improving work efficiency and convenience.

Through the introduction of this article, I believe you have mastered how to log in and use the auxiliary mailbox function of Google Mail. With the alias function, you can easily manage and classify your e-mail, improving work efficiency and convenience. I hope this article can help you when using Google Mail!

  • This article is written by Published on December 31, 2023 09:30:00
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