Login portal for web version of qq (login method for computer version of qq)

QQ, As one of the most popular instant messaging software in China, it has a huge user group. In addition to the desktop version of QQ client, QQ also provides a web version of the login portal, users can easily log in and use QQ on a computer or mobile phone. Next, we will give you a detailed introduction to the login portal of QQ web version and the login method of QQ computer version.

1、 QQ webpage login portal

To log in to the QQ web version, users need to open the browser first, and then enter the official website address of QQ in the address bar( https://im.qq.com/index/ )。 Then, the user will see the official website home page of QQ. There is a "Login Now" button on the top right corner of the home page. Click this button, and the user will be redirected to the login page of QQ.


On the login page, users need to enter their QQ account and password. If the user has set the remember password, the system will automatically fill in the account and password information. The user only needs to click the "Login" button to enter the QQ webpage.

In addition, users can also log in quickly through QQ's mobile application. Open the login page of QQ mobile application. Users can select the "Quick Login" option, and then open the quick login page of QQ in the browser. Here, users need to enter their mobile phone number and obtain a verification code. After entering the correct verification code, they can quickly log in to the QQ web page.


2、 Computer version QQ login method

In addition to the web version of QQ, users can also log in through the computer version of QQ client. The following is the login method of computer version QQ:

Turn on the computer and enter the operating system.

Install the latest version of QQ client software on the computer. From QQ official website( https://im.qq.com/index/ )Download the installation package for installation, or install it through the software store on your computer.


Open the installed QQ client software, and enter your QQ account and password on the software login interface. If the user has set remember password, the system will automatically fill in the account and password information.

Click the "Login" button and wait for the program to verify the correctness of the account and password. If the account and password are correct, the program will automatically log in to QQ and enter the main interface.

On the main interface, users can chat with friends in text, voice and video, browse personal information, view group information and other operations.

It should be noted that the computer version of QQ client needs to be installed on the computer before it can be used. Therefore, the client software needs to be downloaded and installed before use. At the same time, since the computer version of QQ needs to occupy a certain amount of system resources, attention should be paid to protecting personal privacy and security when using it.

QQ web version and computer version are both important ways to facilitate users to use QQ. Users can easily access and use QQ on any device through the login portal of the webpage version; The computer version of QQ client provides more comprehensive and rich functions, allowing users to communicate and exchange more conveniently. When using these tools, users need to pay attention to protecting their account and password security to avoid personal information disclosure and embezzlement. At the same time, it is also necessary to observe the relevant laws and regulations and social ethics, civilized Internet access and healthy chat.

  • This article is written by Published on December 26, 2023 16:28:25
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