Shoppers' entrance of AliExpress Chinese version (entrance of AliExpress official website)

As one of the world's largest cross-border e-commerce platforms, AliExpress provides consumers with a convenient and fast shopping channel. Especially for Chinese consumers, the Chinese buyer entrance of AliExpress makes the shopping process more smooth, enabling consumers to browse and purchase goods from all over the world more easily. Now we will give you a detailed introduction to the Chinese version of AliExpress buyer entrance and its usage. If necessary, please refer to this introduction.

1、 Chinese version buyer entrance of AliExpress

Chinese buyer entrance of AliExpress( )It is specially designed for Chinese consumers, providing a more friendly user interface and a shopping experience closer to Chinese consumers. Through this portal, consumers can more easily browse and search for goods, and enjoy a more convenient shopping process. In addition to the Chinese buyer entrance, AliExpress also provides an official website entrance. Consumers can directly access the English version of AliExpress by visiting its official website. On this page, consumers can browse and purchase goods from all over the world and enjoy the convenience of global shopping.


2、 How to use the Chinese version of AliExpress buyer portal

It is very simple to use the Chinese buyer portal of AliExpress. First, you need to open the official website of AliExpress, and then click the "Buy Now" button in the upper right corner of the page. This will take you to the Chinese buyer interface of AliExpress.

In the Chinese buyer interface, you can see various product categories, including clothing, shoes, household goods, electronic products, etc. You can enter the keywords of the products you want to purchase in the search box, or search the products you are interested in in the classification list.


After finding the product you want, you can view the detailed information of the product, including product description, price, delivery time and delivery method. If you decide to purchase this item, you can add it to the shopping cart.

On the shopping cart page, you can view the details of the added goods, including the quantity, total price and delivery address of the goods. If you need to modify the quantity of goods or delete goods, you can operate in the shopping cart. If you decide to purchase all the added goods, you can click the "Settlement" button to enter the settlement page.

In the settlement page, you need to fill in the delivery address, payment method and other information. AliExpress supports multiple payment methods, including Alipay, WeChat payment and credit card. After filling in all the necessary information, you can click the "Submit Order" button to complete the purchase process.

The Chinese buyer portal of AliExpress provides a convenient and fast shopping channel for Chinese consumers, enabling them to easily browse and purchase goods from all over the world. Through the official website entrance of AliExpress, consumers can directly access the English page and enjoy the convenience of global shopping. It is very simple to use the Chinese version of AliExpress buyer portal. Just open the official AliExpress website, and then follow the interface prompts to complete the purchase process. If you are looking for a reliable cross-border e-commerce platform, you can try AliExpress to experience the fun of global shopping.

  • This article is written by Published on December 26, 2023 16:19:58
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