Google account registration address (official website registration method attached)

Google account is the basis for using Google services. Whether it is search, email, cloud storage or other services, a Google account is required. Moreover, there are more and more applications of Google account. If you want to log in easily, you can choose Google account. Now we will introduce the registered address of Google account and the method of registration on the official website.

1、 Google account registration address

The registered address of Google account is Google's official website You can enter "Google official website" in the search engine to search, and then enter Google official website to register your account.

We provide exclusive Google accounts. If you need them, you can click the link below to buy them. They are one person, one account, independent use, and can even change the password.


2、 Official website registration method

1. Open the official Gmail website and click Create an account to create an account.


2. Fill in registration information


3. Fill in the mobile phone number for verification


Note: Mobile phone numbers in mainland China can register Google accounts. We can select the "mainland China" mobile phone number in the underlined part of the figure above, fill in the above information as prompted, and click "Next".

4. Verify mobile number


After we fill in the mobile number, Google will confirm the mobile number to us. In this step, after checking that there is no error in the mobile number, you can click the "Send" button to verify the mobile number.

5. Fill in the "verification code" for mobile phone number verification


Note: We will receive a verification code similar to "G-123087". We just need to fill in the "Enter Verification Code" box in the figure above.

6. Authorization of more permissions

After entering this link, we can choose "Skip" or "Enable Now". Click "Skip" here to enter the privacy terms page.

7. Agree to privacy and terms


Click "I agree".

8. Login

matters needing attention:

During the registration process, please ensure that your personal information is accurate for subsequent login and use.

Google account needs a valid email address to register. If you don't have an email address, you need to apply for an email address first.

When using Google services, please abide by relevant laws, regulations and policies, and do not engage in illegal activities.

In conclusion, through the introduction of this article, you should already know the registered address of Google account and the method of registration on the official website. If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to contact Google customer service.

Related links:

Google email account password (valid google email)

Gg exclusive account sales platform (one person, one account, independent use)

  • This article is written by Published on December 21, 2023 16:11:22
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