How do I install mininet? Installation steps and process of mininet

Mininet is a lightweight virtualization platform for network research and experiment. It can simulate a complete network environment on a single computer. Many people want to download and use it, but they still encounter many problems. So we will introduce the installation steps and process of Mininet in detail to help you build a Mininet environment smoothly.


1、 Preparatory work

Before starting to install Mininet, you need to ensure that your computer meets the following requirements:

Operating system: Mininet supports multiple operating systems, including Linux, Windows and MacOS. Make sure that the appropriate operating system is installed on your computer.

Python: Mininet needs a Python environment. Make sure you have Python installed on your computer.

Vagrant: Vagrant is a tool for virtualized development environment, which can help us simplify the installation process of Mininet. Make sure Vagrant is installed on your computer.

2、 Install Mininet

Download Mininet image file

Enter the following command in the terminal to download the Mininet image file:

Shell copy code

vagrant box add mininet

Create Vagrant Virtual Machine

Enter the following command in the terminal to create Vagrant virtual machine:

Shell copy code

vagrant init mininet

Start virtual machine

Enter the following command in the terminal to start the virtual machine:

Shell copy code

vagrant up

Enter the virtual machine

Enter the following command in the terminal to enter the virtual machine:

Shell copy code

vagrant ssh

Start Mininet environment

Enter the following command in the virtual machine to start the Mininet environment:

Shell copy code

sudo mn --controller=remote,ip= --switch=ovsk,ip= --host=ovsk,ip= --port=6633 --link=tc,ip= --topo=linear,n=4 --mac --pingall --dump-flows --no-bash

The above command will start a linear network with four nodes, and set the IP address of the controller to, the IP address of the switch to, the IP address of the host to, and the IP address of the port to You can modify the network parameters and topology as needed.

Verify that the installation was successful

Enter the following command in the virtual machine to verify whether Mininet is successfully installed:

Shell copy code


The above command will send ICMP echo request to all hosts and wait for their reply. If all hosts successfully reply to echo requests, it means that Mininet has been successfully installed.

Exit virtual machine

Enter the following command in the virtual machine to exit the virtual machine:

Shell copy code


Test whether Mininet is successfully installed


The above is the installation steps and process of Mininet. Through the above steps, you can easily build a Mininet environment for network research and experiments. If you don't understand anything, you can refer to the above content, hoping to help everyone.

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