Qq mailbox official website login portal (qq mailbox website)

E-mail has become an indispensable part of people's daily life and is used in many occasions, such as interviews, work, etc. QQ Email is a widely used email service, and its official website login portal and website address are very important for users. The following is a detailed introduction to the official website login portal and web site of QQ mailbox, to help users better understand and use QQ mailbox.

1、 QQ mailbox official website login portal

The official website login portal of QQ mailbox is the main way for users to access the official website of QQ mailbox and log in. The following are some common ways to log in to the official website of QQ mailbox:

Home page of QQ mailbox official website: enter "QQ mailbox" into the search engine, and the search results will usually show the official website link of QQ mailbox. Users can click the link to enter the home page of the official website of QQ Email.

QQ client: If the user has installed the QQ client, he can find the "mailbox" icon in the client, and click the icon to enter the login page of QQ mailbox official website.

Other applications: Some third-party applications can also guide users to the official website login page of QQ mailbox through links or QR codes.

2、 QQ Email Website

The website address of QQ Email is the website used by users to access the official website of QQ Email through a browser. The following is the website of QQ Email:

http://mail.qq.com : This is the default URL of the official website of QQ Email. Users can enter this URL in the browser to access the official website of QQ Email.


3、 How to log in QQ mailbox correctly

After knowing the official website login portal and website address of QQ mailbox, users need to master the correct method of login to QQ mailbox. The following are the steps to log in to QQ mailbox correctly:

Open the browser, enter the website address of QQ mailbox, and enter the homepage of QQ mailbox official website.

Find the "Login" button on the home page, and click the button to enter the login page.


Enter the QQ number and password on the login page, and click the "Login" button to login.

If the user has enabled the dual authentication function, he/she also needs to enter authentication information such as SMS authentication code or mobile phone token to complete the login operation.

After successful login, users can access their QQ mailbox.


4、 Precautions

Protect your account and password and do not disclose them to others at will.

Change passwords regularly to avoid using weak passwords or repeated passwords.

Enable the dual authentication function to improve the security of the account.

Do not log in to QQ mailbox in public places or using public equipment to avoid the risk of account theft or data disclosure.

In case of any problem or suspected number theft, contact QQ customer service in a timely manner.

In a word, understanding and mastering the official website login portal and website address of QQ mailbox is the basis for using QQ mailbox. At the same time, users should also pay attention to protecting their accounts and passwords to improve the security of their accounts. In case of any problem or suspected stolen number during use, contact QQ customer service in time to deal with it.

  • This article is written by Published on December 23, 2023 15:42:24
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/26259.html
