How to register an iPhone account in Singapore (image and text registration steps)

With the popularity of smart phones, more and more people begin to use Apple's iPhone. In Singapore, the number of iPhone users is also growing. If you want to register an iPhone account in Singapore, this article will introduce the registration steps for you in detail. Through this introduction, you will learn how to register a valid iPhone account in Singapore and enjoy various services and functions provided by Apple.


Preparations for iPhone account registration in Singapore

1. Prepare a valid email address.

2. Make sure your mobile phone number has been activated and can receive SMS verification code.

Exclusive account


If you think it is too troublesome to register, you can directly click the icon button to purchase the finished Apple ID, and the ID of this website can be downloaded through the formal channel, which is absolutely safe. Once sold, you can delete the backup information immediately, without repeated sales.

Singapore iPhone account registration steps

In the browser, enter: , you can enter the page of creating Apple ID.

Then fill in your name and other information in order. Select a new email address that has not registered Apple ID. You can fill in your mobile phone number directly, which can be used normally and receive a verification code.

As shown in the figure:


Click Continue after filling in, fill in the verification code received by the email, and then fill in the verification code received by the mobile phone.

The Apple ID in Singapore is created. It is not enough just to create it. After logging in to the App Store, you need to set it in several steps.

First, open the App Store, click the avatar in the upper right corner, slide to the bottom, and choose to log out. This will allow you to log out of the previously logged in account.


Then log in to the Singapore Apple ID we just created. The first login will prompt you to check the account information, and click Check.


Then open the "Agree" switch and click the next page in the upper right corner.


Fill in according to the figure below, and skip the two columns of payment method directly. The billing address can be filled in as shown in the figure, and click the next page after filling in.


Then our Apple ID is created and successfully logged in. Click Continue.


Tips and Precautions

Switch back to the original region: If you need to switch back to the App Store in the original region, you can operate in the settings. Please ensure that you have bound the payment method of the corresponding region, or the purchase may fail.

Update apps and games: Apps and games downloaded with an iPhone account in Singapore may not be updated due to regional restrictions. To avoid this situation, you can consider using accounts in other regions for updating operations.

Abide by local laws and regulations: When using an iPhone account in Singapore, please abide by local laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of Apple to avoid violating laws or generating unnecessary disputes.

Protect personal privacy: Please do not disclose your account information, password and other personal privacy to others to avoid unnecessary losses and risks.

This article details the steps and precautions for registering an iPhone account in Singapore. Through this introduction, you will learn how to register a valid iPhone account in Singapore and enjoy various services and functions provided by Apple. I hope this article can help you successfully complete the registration process and enjoy a pleasant iPhone experience.

Related reading

Apple ID purchase website (new high-quality account for sale)

Latest free overseas Apple ID account (verified and available)

  • This article is written by Published on December 17, 2023 09:55:00
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: , please keep the link of this article for reprinting:
