Do I have to use US paypal for my US ID

ID is a very important account for Apple users who want to download some software or pay when using it. When it comes to the overseas Apple ID, it will be different. For example, when using the payment method of the US ID, many users will first think of using the US PayPal. However, is it necessary to use US PayPal to pay for US ID? Now let's talk about it.


1、 American PayPal

In fact, the answer is yes. When paying with Apple ID in the U.S., the payment method in the U.S. must be used. This means that if you want to use Apple ID in the U.S., you need a U.S. credit card or a U.S. PayPal account. If you do not have these, you cannot purchase Apple products or software in the United States. Therefore, US ID must be paid by US PayPal or US credit card.

PayPal in the United States is one of the payment methods widely used worldwide, which provides users with a fast, secure and convenient payment experience. For US ID, PayPal has the following advantages:

Convenience: PayPal in the United States allows users to complete registration and start using in just a few minutes, greatly simplifying the payment process.

Security: American PayPal provides advanced security protection measures, such as dual authentication and account insurance, to ensure the security of users' transaction information and funds.

Wide acceptance: PayPal in the United States is widely accepted in e-commerce websites, applications and physical stores.

However, there are some limitations and challenges in using PayPal in the United States:

Fees: PayPal in the United States may require payment of a certain handling fee or exchange rate.

Authentication: When registering for PayPal in the United States, you may need to provide real identity documents to complete authentication.

Binding bank account: PayPal payment in the United States usually requires binding bank account or credit card, which may increase additional procedures and time.

2、 American Paypal Binding Domestic Credit Card Tutorial

1. Registered address of American Paypal:


2. First log in to Paypa, click Register in the upper right corner. 3. Select "Personal Account" personal account


3. Select "Personal Account" personal account


4. Fill in the US mobile phone number


5. Fill in personal information as required


6. Fill in the billing address page


7. Next, click Not Sure? Add card to use later

American Paypal


To sum up, it is convenient to use PayPal in the United States for payment of Meiqu ID, so users can choose other suitable payment methods according to their actual conditions and needs. No matter which payment method is selected, the balance between convenience, security and cost rationality should be ensured.

  • This article is written by Published on December 15, 2023 15:34:04
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