How does bitcomet delete a task? The latest tutorial of bitcomet deleting task

BitComet is a popular bit software, which allows users to obtain bitcoin by mining. However, in the mining process, users may encounter various problems, such as task failure, insufficient resources, etc. At this point, deleting a task becomes a key step in solving the problem. The following is a detailed introduction to how to delete tasks in BitComet to help users better manage their own tasks.

Tips for using comet bit

1. Open the BitComet downloaded from the website, open the software, click the "Torrent" icon in the upper right corner, open the torrent file, select the download location, and click "OK" to start the download;

2. Open torrent file from URL: click "File", click "Open torrent from URL" in the pop-up selection, copy the URL to the dialog box, wait for the system to download torrent file, select the download location, and then start downloading;


3. Archive seeds: users can open BitComet and find "Seed Archive" under "Channel" on the right to find their archived or downloaded seeds


Steps for bitcomet to delete a task

Open BitComet software and enter the main interface.

In the main interface, find and click the "Task Management" button.

In the task management interface, you can see all the currently running tasks.

Select the task to be deleted, right-click, and select the Delete Task option.

In the pop-up confirmation dialog box, confirm the task to be deleted and click OK.

After the task is deleted successfully, BitComet will automatically close the process of the task.

matters needing attention

Before deleting a task, make sure that you have backed up all important data and configuration information to prevent accidents.

If the task is running, deleting the task may interrupt the mining process and affect the mining efficiency. Therefore, it is recommended to delete when the task is not running.

If you still have problems after deleting the task, you can try to restart the BitComet software or check other relevant settings.

How to use comet bit to make BT seed

Make BT seeds. After opening BitComet software, press CTRL+M directly to open the production window. Select the source file address in the pop-up window, that is, the address you want to upload files to. You can add the prepared video. A single file is to upload a file, and "entire directory" means to upload the entire folder. After adding, select the seed storage directory, and then click "Make" to start making seeds.


Through the introduction of this article, I believe you have learned how to delete tasks in BitComet. In actual operation, attention should be paid to some details to ensure the correctness and safety of the operation. At the same time, it is recommended that users regularly back up data and configuration information to prevent accidents. If you encounter other problems or need more help, you can refer to the official BitComet documentation or seek professional help.

  • This article is written by Published on December 14, 2023 14:51:46
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