Get a free American iOS account (one person, one account is real and valid)

Apple ID account is an important voucher for using Apple devices. It is not only used to download applications and purchase goods, but also used to backup data and set devices. Among them, the Apple ID account in Meiqu is popular because of its unique app store and rich application resources, especially for domestic users who want to download foreign software. However, it is not easy to obtain the Apple ID account in Meiqu, which requires certain skills and experience. Next, we will share some free Apple IDs in Meiqu for you.


Free American Apple ID account

Account No. 1:

U.S. iOS account:

Account No. 2:

Meiqu Apple ID account:

Account No. 3:

Meifu AppleID account:

Password: Zd112211

matters needing attention:

When you use the free sharing account of Apple ID in the United States, you must remember that the sharing account of Apple ID can only be logged in to the app store, and any sharing account of Apple IOS in the United States should not be logged in to Apple icloud. Those who do not listen to the advice should bear the consequences; Do not change your password, security and address information; Do not recharge the free shared account; At the same time, after using the account, remember to log out in time (convenient for yourself and others), and then log in to your own exclusive account.

We also have Apple IDs from various countries, such as the United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, etc., which are safe and reliable, can be purchased with confidence, and can be delivered automatically in 24 hours.


Access to Apple ID account in Meiqu

Official registration

Users can directly register Apple ID accounts in the US on Apple's official website. When registering, you need to provide effective personal information and payment methods. This method is relatively safe, but you need to meet certain conditions to successfully register.

Third party platform purchase

On some third-party platforms, you can purchase a registered Apple ID account in Meiqu. This method is relatively simple, but you need to pay attention to selecting reputable platforms and sellers to ensure the security and stability of your account.

Share with friends or family

If you have friends or family members who already have an Apple ID account in Meiqu, you can ask them to share the account. This method is relatively convenient, but attention should be paid to protecting personal privacy and security.

Login method

Step 1: Open the App Store on the mobile desktop, click the avatar in the upper right corner, pull down and exit your account ID;

Step 2: Copy and paste the shared American Apple ID, and click the login button;

Step 3: There will be a pop-up window, click [Other Options] and [Don't Upgrade], and never click [Continue];


There are many ways to obtain Apple ID accounts in Meiqu. Users can choose the appropriate way according to their needs and actual conditions. When obtaining and using an account, it is necessary to protect personal information and payment methods, select a reputable platform and seller, and comply with relevant laws, regulations and policies. At the same time, users are advised to pay attention to security and stability when using accounts to avoid unnecessary losses and risks.

Related recommendations:

How to register Apple ID in the United States? (Apple ID registration tutorial in the US)

How to register Apple ID in the US? (Tutorial test is available)

  • This article is written by Published on December 14, 2023 14:32:15
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