Get Apple's US version ID account (100% valid account) for free

In today's digital era, Apple products have become an indispensable part of global consumers. In order to better enjoy the convenience and fun brought by Apple products, having an Apple ID account has become a prerequisite. However, it is not easy for many users to create their own Apple ID account. So this article will share the complete list of Apple's US version ID accounts and provide free registration tutorials.


Importance of Apple's US version ID account

Downloading applications: The Apple ID account is the only identification for downloading applications in the Apple App Store. Only with your own ID account can you download various applications and games.

Synchronize data: With the same Apple ID account, you can synchronize data on multiple devices, such as photos, contacts, calendars, etc., so that users can seamlessly switch between different devices.

Privacy protection: Through the Apple ID account, security measures such as dual authentication can be set to protect personal privacy and account security.

Apple US ID Account Collection

Meifu AppleID account:

Password: Gk123456

Meifu AppleID account:

Password: Rf654321

Meifu AppleID account:

Password: Hj789012

Meifu AppleID account:

Password: Kl345678

Meifu AppleID account:

Password: Nm901234

Meifu AppleID account:

Password: Po567890

Exclusive account


Friends who need a finished Apple ID account can also directly click the icon link to purchase an exclusive ID account. The regular platform download is 100% secure, and the backup information will be deleted immediately when sold, without repeated sales.

A tutorial on creating an Apple US ID account

First, enter the Apple ID registration page, copy the URL below and open it in Safari browser.

The specific registration method is shown in the figure below, and you must strictly follow the requirements I wrote! The country or region must choose "America"~


Then you need to verify your email/mobile number. Enter the received verification code and click Next.


After verification, find the "Settings" of the phone, click the location of the red box below, and then click "Log out" to log out the current Apple ID in China.


After exiting, click "Media and purchase items" again


Select "Not XXX"


Congratulations, you have arrived at the Apple ID login interface, and log in to the Apple ID in the US area you just registered.


After logging in, open the App Store, you will see the welcome page, and click "Continue"


Select a free app at random, take TikTok as an example, and click "Get"


A pop-up window will appear, indicating that this Apple ID has not been used in the iTunes store. Click "Check"


In this step, select the payment method: None,

The following five tax-free states are recommended for account mailing address:





New Hampshire


congratulations! At this point, we are done! You have your first American Apple account Apple ID!


How to manage Apple's US version ID account

Change the password regularly: To protect the security of the account, it is recommended to change the password regularly and use a strong password combination.

Enable dual authentication: enable the dual authentication function in account settings to improve account security.

Backup of important data: regularly back up important data, such as contacts, photos, etc., to prevent data loss.

Avoid using public Wi Fi: public Wi Fi has security risks, so try to avoid using public Wi Fi for sensitive operations.

This article provides you with relevant information and usage methods about the Apple US version ID account. I hope this information can help you better use and manage your Apple devices. At the same time, it also reminds you to protect your account security and comply with local laws and regulations.

Related reading

Latest free overseas Apple ID account (verified and available)

How to register Apple ID in the US? (Tutorial test is available)

  • This article is written by Published on December 13, 2023 18:45:49
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