Download apps for fun abroad (Top 10 most popular apps abroad)

With the advance of globalization, people will also travel, study or work abroad. In foreign countries, there are some very popular apps, which not only make life more convenient, but also allow you to better understand the local culture and lifestyle. Or if we want to know about foreign things at home, we will want to know what popular software is. Next, we will introduce some of the most popular and interesting apps abroad to help you better adapt to foreign life.


Top 10 software abroad

Google Maps

Google Maps is one of the most popular map applications in the world. It provides detailed maps, real-time traffic information, location recommendation, user evaluation and other functions. Whether you are traveling, studying or working abroad, Google Maps is one of the necessary apps.


Uber is a world-famous taxi application, which provides convenient and fast taxi service. In foreign countries, you can quickly call a taxi, private car or bike sharing through Uber without worrying about language barriers or traffic problems.


Airbnb is a housing rental platform, which provides a lot of housing information, including complete houses, independent rooms, etc. When traveling abroad, you can rent a whole house or a single room through Airbnb to experience the lifestyle of local people.



Yelp is a well-known comment website in the United States, which provides a lot of evaluation and recommendation information about restaurants, stores, scenic spots, etc. In foreign countries, you can learn about local food, shopping and cultural activities through Yelp.


Instagram is a social image sharing application that provides a large number of image and video sharing functions. When traveling abroad, you can record your travel details through Instagram and share them with friends and family.


Tinder is a world-famous dating application, which provides a lot of information about single men and women, and can match according to geographical location. When studying or working abroad, you can meet local friends or lovers through Tinder.

Google Translate

Google Translate is a translation application that provides translation between multiple languages. When traveling, studying or working abroad, you can solve the language barrier problem through Google Translate.


YouTube is a video sharing platform that provides a large amount of video content, including music, movies, documentaries, etc. When traveling abroad, you can learn about the local culture and customs through YouTube.


Amazon is a world-famous e-commerce platform, which provides a lot of product information and shopping services. When shopping abroad, you can buy local specialty goods or daily necessities through Amazon.


Facebook is a social network application that provides functions such as personal homepage, dynamic message, group, etc. When studying or working abroad, you can get to know local friends or colleagues through Facebook, and learn about local culture and lifestyle.

In short, these apps are one of the necessary apps for foreign life. They provide a variety of functions and services, making your life more convenient and interesting. Whether you are traveling, studying or working abroad, you can try to download these apps and use them to better adapt to local life and culture.

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