How to import our play (nanny level tutorial) into gamestoday

Gamestoday is a popular game download platform, which provides a large number of high-quality games for users to download. However, sometimes we need to import these games into OurPlay to better manage our games and applications. So here are the steps we will teach you how to import games from Gamestoday to OurPlay.

How does gamestoday import ourplay

1、 Download and install the Gamestoday app

First, you need to download and install the Gamestoday application on your device. You can search Gamestoday on Google Play Store or App Store and download and install it.

2、 Log in to Gamestoday account

After installation, open the Gamestoday application and log in to your account. If you do not have a Gamestoday account, you need to register an account first.

3、 Download the game you want to import

In the Gamestoday application, browse the game you want to import and click the download button. When the download is complete, the game will be saved on your device.

4、 Open OurPlay and import the game


Open the OurPlay application and click the "Start" button in the lower right corner, then select "Import Application". In the pop-up window, select the Gamestoday application you just downloaded and click the "Import" button.


5、 Wait for import to complete

The import process may take some time, depending on your device and network speed. During the import process, you can see the progress bar and remaining time in the OurPlay application.


6、 Check imported games

After importing, you can see all the imported games and applications in the OurPlay application. You can click each app to view details, including version, size, and installation date.

7、 Manage and update games

In OurPlay, you can easily manage and update your games and applications. You can add or delete apps, update versions, view download progress, etc. In addition, OurPlay also provides other functions, such as accelerating games, backup applications, etc.

In conclusion, importing games from Gamestoday into OurPlay can help you better manage your games and applications. Through simple steps and operations, you can easily import games from Gamestoday into OurPlay, and enjoy better game experience and management functions.

  • This article is written by Published on December 16, 2023 11:12:00
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