Daily update of Apple ID foreign account (real free sharing)

In today's digital era, Apple products have become an indispensable part of people's daily life. Apple ID is an important identity for using Apple products. It allows you to enjoy various services and applications on Apple devices. However, for some reasons, you may need to use a foreign Apple ID to obtain certain services or applications. This article will provide you with some foreign Apple ID accounts and passwords to help you better use Apple products.


Daily update of Apple ID foreign account

U.S. iOS account: us-xhysx@outlook.com

Password: Ts221128

Australia iOS account: au-xhysx@outlook.com

Password: Ts221129

Italian iOS account: it-xhysx@outlook.com

Password: Ts221130

Japan iOS account: es-xhysx@outlook.com

Password: Ts221131

Korean iOS account: se-xhysx@outlook.com

Password: Ts221132

Exclusive account


Although the shared Apple account can help you download the applications or games you need, using the shared account is not a long-term solution. If you have a friend who has used Apple account for a long time, you can directly click the icon link to purchase an exclusive ID account, which is more convenient for one person to use!

Shared ID login steps

First of all, the only correct login location is the App Store on the iPhone. After entering the home page of the App Store, please click the avatar in the upper right corner;

Then, we enter the account and password in the blank column. To avoid mistakes, we can copy and paste them directly;

Then, click the login button below the password bar;

Finally, please do not enable dual authentication. After the pop-up window appears, click "Other options" and "Do not upgrade".

matters needing attention

1、 Please remember, when using this shared AppleID, do not log in and set iCloud, otherwise the device may be locked.

2、 When using this batch of shared AppleIDs, it is strictly prohibited to recharge any type of operation. If you violate the rules, you will bear the consequences.

3、 Please avoid trying to modify the address information of these shared Apple ID accounts. Password and security issues are also prohibited from changing.

4、 When you finish using these American Apple ios accounts, please remember to exit your account in time.

5、 When using a foreign Apple ID account and password, you need to protect your privacy and information security, and avoid disclosing sensitive information such as personal information or payment methods.

When using a foreign Apple ID, please be sure to follow relevant laws and regulations to protect personal privacy and information security. It is recommended that friends who have long-term use of foreign Apple IDs should be able to register or purchase exclusive Apple ID accounts for higher security.

Related reading

How to register Apple's overseas ID? (The most detailed registration tutorial)

How to fill in the US ID address column for Apple mobile phone registration? (Detailed Tutorial)

  • This article is written by Published on December 12, 2023 16:37:02
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/25836.html
