Tutorial on installation and use of pagoda panel (usage of pagoda panel)

The pagoda panel is a very practical server management tool, which can help users easily manage servers, websites, FTP accounts, etc. There are many novices or Xiaobai who don't know how to install and use the pagoda panel. The following editor will show you how to install and use the pagoda panel in this article.

1、 Installation of pagoda panel

1、 Installation

Pagoda A script command adds a Y to finish. Wdcp upgrades are troublesome because they are treated differently in different situations.


2、 Interface.

Needless to say, the pagoda interface keeps up with the times and looks good. Wdcp feels like an XP system.

III Domain name.

Baota Niubi, bt.cn, many seeds.

4、 Ease of use.

Or a pagoda. It is very convenient to switch PHP versions and install PHP extensions


Connect to your Linux server using the SSH connection tool


Enter yum install - y wget&&wget - O install.sh

http://download.bt.cn/install/install_6.0.sh &&Sh install.sh Enter after encoding


Enter Y point Enter key


Account name: admin password word: 67cdb549 must be remembered!


installation is complete

The installation steps are also very convenient, just follow this step!

2、 Use of pagoda panel

Log in to the pagoda panel

After the server restarts, you can enter the IP address or domain name of the server in the browser, and then enter the administrator account and password of the pagoda panel to log in to the pagoda panel.

Manage Site

In the pagoda panel, you can easily manage your website. You can add new websites, edit existing websites, set domain name resolution, etc. In addition, the pagoda panel also provides rich website management functions, such as one button backup, security settings, etc.

Manage FTP account

Through the pagoda panel, you can easily manage your FTP account. You can add new FTP accounts, edit existing FTP accounts, and set FTP permissions. At the same time, the pagoda panel also provides a variety of security measures to ensure the security and reliability of your FTP account.

Other functions

In addition to managing websites and FTP accounts, the pagoda panel also provides many other functions, such as scheduled tasks, file management, database management, etc. These features can help you manage your server more easily.

3、 Precautions

When using the pagoda panel, the following points should be noted:

Ensure the security of the server. Before using the pagoda panel, you need to ensure that your server has taken adequate security measures, such as firewall, anti-virus software, etc. At the same time, the system and software patches of the server need to be updated regularly to ensure the security of the server.

Back up important data. When using the pagoda panel, it is recommended to back up important data regularly to prevent accidents. You can use the backup function provided by the pagoda panel or other backup tools.

Reasonably allocate resources. When using the pagoda panel, resources should be allocated reasonably according to the actual needs, such as the number of websites and FTP accounts. Avoid resource waste or overcrowding to ensure the stability and efficiency of the server.

Monitor server status. When using the pagoda panel, it is recommended to regularly monitor the status of the server, including CPU utilization, memory usage, disk space, etc. If any abnormality is found, it needs to be handled in time to ensure the normal operation of the server.

Comply with relevant laws and regulations. When using the pagoda panel, relevant laws and regulations should be observed, such as the Network Security Law, the Administrative Measures for Security Protection of Computer Information Network and International Networking, etc. Do not use the pagoda panel to release illegal information, infringe the rights and interests of others or conduct other illegal acts.

In short, the pagoda panel is a very practical server management tool, which can help users easily manage servers, websites and FTP accounts. When using the pagoda panel, attention should be paid to server security, backup of important data, rational allocation of resources, monitoring of server status and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. I hope this article can help you better use the pagoda panel.

  • This article is written by Published on December 16, 2023 14:11:37
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/25794.html
