QQ mailbox official website login portal (login QQ mailbox website)

In today's digital era, e-mail has become an indispensable part of people's daily life. As one of the most popular email services in China, QQ Email provides hundreds of millions of users with efficient, convenient and safe email services. This article will introduce the official website login portal of QQ mailbox in detail to help you quickly log in to QQ mailbox and solve problems you may encounter in the use process.


QQ mailbox official website login portal

To log in to the official website of QQ Email, you need to enter the following URL in the browser: https://mail.qq.com/ This is the official login portal of QQ mailbox. Through this website, you can safely access your QQ mailbox.


On the login page, you need to enter your QQ number and password. If you forget your password, you can reset it by retrieving it. After entering the correct account and password, you will successfully log in to QQ mailbox.

How to set and use QQ mailbox

Open the official website of QQ mailbox, enter your QQ number and password, and log in to the mailbox.

Select "Inbox" in the left menu to view the messages you have received.

Click the "Write Email" button, enter the recipient, subject and body content, and send the email.

Select "Drafts" in the left menu to view your unsent messages.

Select "Trash Bin" in the left menu to view the mail that is determined as spam by the system.

Select "Deleted" in the left menu to view the messages you deleted.

Select "Folder" in the left menu to view your mail classification folder.

Select "Settings" in the left menu to personalize your mailbox, such as modifying password, adding personal signature, etc.

How to protect QQ email account security

1. Do not disclose the QQ email account and password to anyone to prevent malicious use by others.

2. Change the password regularly to increase the security of the account.

3. Enable dual authentication to improve account security.

4. Do not use your QQ email account in public or on untrusted devices.

5. Pay attention to QQ mailbox security reminders, and timely discover and deal with potential security risks.

6. Don't click on emails or links from strangers to prevent phishing attacks.

7. Backup important mail regularly to avoid data loss due to security incidents.

8. Understand and abide by the use rules of QQ mailbox to avoid the account being blocked due to violation of regulations.

From the above, we can learn that the official website login portal of QQ mailbox is: https://mail.qq.com/ , and provides detailed settings and usage methods. In the process of using QQ mailbox, we need to pay attention to protecting the account security, follow the use rules, and improve the account security. At the same time, the work efficiency and personal image can be improved by setting personalized email address, adding personal signature and other functions.

  • This article is written by Published on December 8, 2023 17:23:54
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/25690.html
