How to skip mobile phone verification for Google account registration (Google registration skips mobile phone verification)

Google account is a free online email service provided by Google, through which users can send and receive emails, create calendars, backup data, etc. Of course, there are more than these uses of Google account, and there are many more. So how to register? Next, we will introduce how to register a Google account.

How to bypass mobile phone number change verification registration for Google account

Gmail registration tutorial on computer side

Open the official website of Google Mail

Enter the URL of Google Mail in the browser to enter the official website of Google Mail. There is a "Create Account" button in the center of the home page. Click it to start registration.


Fill in registration information

In the registration page, you need to fill in some basic information, including user name, password, birthday, etc. Please make sure that the information you fill in is accurate, because this information will be used to log in to your Google account. After filling in the information, click the "Create Account" button to continue.


Step 3: In this step, different people may register in different situations. Generally, there are two situations.

1. The phone number is optional

If you are lucky (related to many factors, such as clean IP, no recent Google account registration, etc.), your account registration page phone number is (optional), that is, you can directly enter the next step without entering your phone number.


2. Mobile phone number is required, and the next step can be started only after verification.


This is the situation most users encounter when registering Google accounts. Select China (+86) as the area code, enter your phone number, and click Next to continue.

Those who can normally receive the verification code are also lucky, because some people may also face the problem that this phone number cannot be used for verification.

Complete registration

After verification, your Google account has been successfully registered. You can enter the user name and password you just registered on the login page, and then click the "Login" button to enter your Google email.

If it's still troublesome to register yourself, we also have ready-made accounts for you. If you need them, you can click the link below to buy them. They are used independently by one person, one account, and can also be changed.


Pay attention to the following points during registration:

Browser Settings


Download Google Browser, open the settings, click an advanced setting at the bottom, select the language to display the browser in English, and click Restart to complete the settings. The last step is to follow the general steps of registering a Google account. The verification code can be received and the test is successful. If not, the voice verification code can be passed

In short, registering a Google account is a very simple process, which only takes a few minutes to complete. However, in order to protect the security of your account, it is recommended to fill in your personal information carefully and comply with Google's terms of service.

Related recommendations:

Purchase with Google account in the United States (high-quality Google account in the United States)

Gg exclusive account sales platform (one person, one account, independent use)

  • This article is written by Published on December 8, 2023 15:04:16
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