Why Google's search engine can't be used in China, and how to use it in China

Google search engine is one of the most widely used search engines in the world, but it cannot be directly used in China. Many users are confused and inconvenient about this. So why can't Google search engine be used in China? Here is a small editor to uncover the mystery for you, and introduce some ways to use Google search engine in China.


Why can't Google search engine be used in China

Policy and regulation restrictions: Since some functions and data of Google's search engine may involve social stability, our country has very strict supervision on the Internet. In order to comply with national laws and regulations, Google search engine is prohibited to use in China.

Commercial interest conflict: Google, as an American company, has commercial interest conflicts with Chinese Internet enterprises. China's government's protection of local enterprises is also one of the reasons for limiting Google's use in China.

Information security risk: The operation and data storage of Google's search engine are in foreign countries. If users input sensitive information in the use process, it may be obtained by foreign intelligence agencies, bringing security risks to individuals and countries.

Restrictions on technical means: China's government's supervision and restrictions on the Internet also include technical means. For example, the government may take technical measures such as network blockade and IP address restriction to restrict the use of Google's search engine in China.

How to use Google in China

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Although Google's search engine cannot be used directly in China, there are still some ways for domestic users to use Google's search engine. Here are some common methods:

Using scientific online tools : Scientific online tools can help users connect to foreign networks and use Google search engine. Users can purchase or rent scientific online tool services to connect to foreign networks, and then access Google search engine. However, it should be noted that the use of scientific online tools may violate local laws and regulations, and should be carefully considered before use.

Use proxy server : The proxy server can help users access foreign websites, including Google search engine. Users can access Google's search engine by setting the IP address and port number of the proxy server. However, it should be noted that the speed of the proxy server may be slow and there may be security risks.

Use mirror website Some websites provide Google search engine image services, and users can use Google search engine by visiting these image websites. However, it should be noted that the mirror website may have data security risks. Users are advised to consider carefully when using it.

Here are a few things you can use:



Google image website will fail easily. If it cannot be opened, it will fail. You can find one to use

Use of other search engines: Although Google's search engine cannot be used directly in China, other domestic search engines can also provide similar services. For example, Baidu, 360, etc. provide search services similar to Google's search engine. Users can use these search engines to find information.

In short, due to the impact of policies and regulations, commercial conflicts of interest, information security risks and technical means restrictions, Google's search engine cannot be used directly in China. However, users can use Google's search engine through scientific Internet tools, proxy servers, mirror websites and other search engines. However, it should be noted that these methods may have certain security risks and inconvenience, and users should consider carefully when using them.

Related recommendations:

Google account sharing encyclopedia (free sharing, verified and available)

300 free Google account passwords 2023 (Google account purchase tutorial)

  • This article is written by Published on December 7, 2023 14:29:28
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/25551.html
