How to recall an email in foxmail (how to use foxmail)

Foxmail is also a commonly used email client, which provides many functions, including receiving, sending and recalling emails. But sometimes we don't use it many times, so we are not very familiar with some operations. Next, we will introduce how to recall Foxmail and some common ways to use Foxmail.

1、 How to recall an email in Foxmail

Open the Foxmail mailbox client, and select the mail to be recalled from the mail list on the left.


Right click and select the "Recall Mail" option.


In the pop-up dialog box, click OK.


After the email is successfully recalled, a confirmation email will be received.

It should be noted that message recall is only limited to messages sent to the same mailbox and needs to be performed before the other party has viewed the messages. If the other party has viewed the message, the recall will fail.

2、 How to use Foxmail mailbox

Send and receive mail

In Foxmail, you can view and edit messages by clicking "Inbox" or "Outbox" on the left. In the message window on the right, you can view the details of the message, including the body, attachments, and attachments. When editing an email, you can use the editing tools provided by Foxmail, such as text formatting, adding hyperlinks, and inserting pictures.


Filter spam

Foxmail provides a spam filtering function, which can automatically classify spam into the "Junk E-mail" folder. You can select to turn this function on or off in settings, and customize the filtering rules.

Search for messages

In Foxmail, you can use the search function to find specific keywords or messages with keywords. You can search by entering keywords or keywords in the search box, or narrow the search scope by setting search criteria.

Label and classification

Foxmail supports tagging and classifying messages to better manage and find messages. You can click the "Label" or "Classification" button in the mail window to perform label and classification operations.

Drafts and Sent Boxes

In Foxmail, the draft box is used to save the unsent mail, and the sent mail box is used to save the successfully sent mail. You can click "Draft Box" or "Sent Box" in the mail list on the left to view and edit the corresponding mail.

Sign and encrypt messages

Foxmail supports signing and encrypting messages when editing them. You can select the "Signature" tab in the Edit Mail window to add signature content; Select the Encryption tab to set the encryption password.

Backup and restore data

To protect data security, Foxmail supports data backup and recovery functions. You can select "Tools" ->"Data Backup" in the menu bar to back up data; When you need to restore data, you can select Tools ->Data Recovery to restore the backed up data.

In short, Foxmail mailbox is a powerful email client that can meet the needs of most users. By mastering the usage methods described above, you can manage and process e-mail more efficiently. If you have other questions or need further help, please feel free to contact our technical support team.

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