Free registration of Yahoo email account (Yahoo email account sharing)

As a world-famous Internet company, Yahoo! Provides a popular email service Yahoo Mail. Yahoo Mail not only has a simple and easy to use interface, but also provides rich functions, such as spam filtering, attachment support, folder management, etc. This article will introduce you how to register your Yahoo Mail account for free, and share some practical tips for using Yahoo Mail.


Yahoo email account sharing

first group

account number:

Password: RKJagQxRN6A7ioas9GWbu

Authorization code: ledvlxjlteumbdxoclarkBeatriz_

Group II

account number:

Password: 1SciURc2vS9jMBzLv

Authorization code: qellovsbiiiazuww

Free registration of Yahoo email account

1. We enter "Yahoo Mail" in the browser search bar, as shown in the figure.


2. Select "Yahoo Mail" to enter, as shown in the figure.


3. Then click "Register" on the webpage, as shown in the figure.


4. Enter our relevant information, such as first name, last name, account password, nationality, mobile phone number, birthday, etc., and then register, as shown in the figure.


Practical Tips for Using Yahoo Mail

Spam filter: Yahoo Mail has a powerful spam filter function, which can help you automatically filter out spam. You can turn on the spam filter in the mailbox settings, and add the addresses that often send spam to the blacklist.

Custom tags: Yahoo Mail allows you to add custom tags to your messages so that you can find the required messages faster. You can right-click in the mail list, select the "Add Label" option, and add the corresponding label to the mail.

Fast search: Yahoo Mail provides a powerful search function. You can find the required mail by entering keywords in the search box. In addition, you can use advanced search syntax to narrow the search scope, such as "from: xxx" to search for messages from specific senders.

Save important messages: If you have some important messages that need to be saved for a long time, you can move them to the Important Mail Folder. Yahoo Mail allows you to add a custom name to your mail folder so that you can find the mail you need more quickly.

Create a contact list: In Yahoo Mail, you can create a contact list to send mail to a specific group of people more quickly. You can click the "Contact" button when writing an email, and then select the recipient from the contact list.

Use the calendar function: Yahoo Mail provides a calendar function to help you manage your daily affairs. You can create appointments, meetings and other events in the calendar, and set the reminder time. In addition, you can sync your calendar to your phone or other devices so that you can view your schedule anytime, anywhere.

Protect account security: In order to protect your privacy and account security, it is recommended that you change your password regularly and enable two-step verification and other measures. In addition, do not share your email account with others at will to avoid unnecessary losses.

Yahoo Mail is a powerful and easy to use email service. Through the introduction of this article, I believe you have learned how to register a Yahoo email account for free and some practical tips. I hope this information can help you better manage and use your Yahoo Mail account.

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