Mobile qq email registration portal official website (QQ email official website registration website)

With the popularity of the Internet, e-mail has become an indispensable part of people's life. As an instant messaging tool with a large number of domestic users, QQ also launched its own mailbox service. Now we will introduce the registration portal official website and registration website of mobile QQ mailbox to help you quickly complete the registration of QQ mailbox.

1、 Mobile QQ Email Registration Portal Official Website

The official website of mobile QQ mailbox registration portal is located on the official website of QQ mailbox. You can search "QQ mailbox" or "QQ mailbox official website" through the search engine to find and enter the official website of QQ mailbox.

On the home page of the official website of QQ Email, you can see the obvious "Register" button. Click this button to enter the registration page of mobile QQ email.

2、 Mobile QQ email registration website

The registration website of mobile QQ email is: On the registration page, you need to fill in your mobile number and set your password. After filling in, click the "Register Now" button to complete the registration.


Please note that when filling in the mobile number, please make sure that you have entered the correct mobile number, because this will be used to verify your identity. When setting the password, please ensure that the password is complex and secure enough to ensure the security of your account.

After the registration is completed, you can log in to the email


3、 Common problems and solutions during registration

Unable to receive verification code

Solution: Please check whether your mobile phone number is filled in correctly and ensure that your mobile phone is in normal state. If you still cannot receive the verification code, please try to change your mobile phone number to register.

The password setting does not meet the requirements

Solution: Please check whether the password you set meets the requirements. The password should contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters, and be at least 8 digits long. If the password does not meet the requirements, please reset a password that meets the requirements.

Unable to pass mailbox verification

Solution: Please check whether the email address you entered is correct and ensure that you can use it normally. If you still cannot pass the mailbox verification, please try to change the email address to register.

Network error or system error occurred during registration

Solution: If your network connection is unstable or the system has errors, registration may fail. Please try to reconnect to the network or restart your device, and then try to register again. If the problem still exists, please contact the customer service of QQ email for help.

Through the introduction of this article, I believe you have learned about the official website of mobile QQ mailbox registration portal and registration website. During the registration process, pay attention to filling in the correct mobile phone number and password, and ensure that the network connection is stable and the device operates normally. If you encounter problems, you can refer to the solutions provided in this article. I hope it can help you successfully complete the registration of QQ email.

  • This article is written by Published on December 5, 2023 10:09:46
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