AliCloud server login portal (AliCloud official website)

With the continuous development of cloud computing technology, more and more enterprises and individuals choose to use Alibaba Cloud servers to host and store their own data and applications. Alibaba Cloud Server is an efficient, secure and reliable cloud computing service that provides users with a full range of cloud computing solutions. Let's introduce the login portal of Alibaba Cloud servers (Alibaba Cloud official website website) and how to use it to manage and maintain your own servers.

1、 Alibaba Cloud official website

The official website of Alibaba Cloud Server is: On this website, users can find various information and resources about AliCloud servers, including login portals.

2、 Log in to AliCloud server

To log in to the AliCloud server, users need to register an AliCloud account first, and then log in through the following steps:

Open the official AliCloud website( ), click the "Login" button on the home page.


Enter the registered AliCloud account and password on the login page, and then click the "Login" button.

If the user has enabled two-step verification, the system will ask the user to enter the mobile phone verification code or picture verification code for verification. After verification, you can log in to the AliCloud console.

If you don't have an account, you can click Register to select account registration and SMS registration.


After successful login, the user will see the interface of the AliCloud console. Here, users can perform various management and maintenance operations on their servers.

3、 Managing AliCloud servers

After logging into the AliCloud console, users can perform various management and maintenance operations on their servers, including:

Create and delete virtual machines: users can create and delete virtual machines in the console, and flexibly adjust the configuration and number of servers according to actual needs.

Network management and configuration: Users can manage and configure their own network environment, including setting network security, managing IP addresses, etc.

Monitoring and maintenance server: users can monitor the running status of the server in real time through the console, conduct system monitoring, log viewing and other operations, and find and solve problems in a timely manner.

Deployment and configuration of applications: Users can deploy and configure various applications on the server, including Web sites, databases, etc., to achieve a comprehensive application solution.

Backup and restore data: users can back up and restore important data to ensure data security and integrity.

Set security group and firewall rules: users can protect the security and stability of the server by setting security group and firewall rules.

Purchase and use of other services: Users can also purchase and use other services on the AliCloud console, such as load balancing, content distribution networks, etc., to meet more complex application needs.

Manage and adjust account permissions: Users can manage and adjust their own and team's account permissions to ensure clear responsibilities and security.

Customize other settings of the domain name and server: Users can customize other settings of the domain name and server to better meet their needs and preferences.

In short, the AliCloud server login portal is an important way for users to manage and maintain their own servers. By logging into the AliCloud console, users can easily create and manage their own servers to achieve efficient cloud computing solutions. At the same time, Alibaba Cloud's official website also provides a wealth of documents and support communities to help users better solve problems and improve their skills.

  • This article is written by Published on December 4, 2023 16:41:55
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