Tencent's appeal method for intercepting websites (appeal steps)

When using Tencent related products (such as QQ browser, QQ mailbox, etc.), you may sometimes encounter some false positives or false interceptions of websites. When these situations occur, it is particularly important to know how to appeal against these blocked websites. Next, we will give you a detailed introduction to Tencent's methods and steps to intercept website complaints.


1、 Grievance channels

Tencent Security Center Website

First, you can visit the Tencent Security Center website( https://urlsec.qq.com/complain.html )To ask for help. On the homepage of the website, select the corresponding product category (such as QQ browser, QQ mailbox, etc.), and then enter the corresponding help page.

Tencent customer service hotline

In addition to online complaints, you can also call Tencent customer service hotline( https://www.10com.cn/ )Make a telephone complaint. When making a call, follow the prompt tone and select the corresponding product category and problem type.

WeChat official account

In addition, you can also follow Tencent customer service WeChat official account (Tencent_KF) to appeal through the official account. In the public account, select the corresponding product category and problem type, and follow the prompts.

2、 Grievance Steps

A more useful method is to log in Tencent housekeeper to appeal;

You can log in to: http://guanjia.qq.com/online_server/complain_url.html , select ->[Website Interception Appeal] to fill in the appeal.


Note: Please fill in the correct email address when appealing, so as to inform the results. I will reply after analysis and processing within 24 hours.

2. If it is a business website, you also need to provide enterprise related certification materials, just in the form of pictures; If you are selling products of other companies, you need to provide the sales authorization certificate or approval certificate of the product.


1. Business websites: websites have sales and trading activities, such as shopping websites, ticket booking websites, and recharge websites;

2. Non business websites: there is no sales behavior on the websites, such as government websites, forums, novels, films, etc.

3. Support uploading jpg and png files of no more than 2MB.

matters needing attention

When filling in the appeal form, ensure to provide accurate and effective information in order to improve the success rate of appeal.

When explaining the reasons for the appeal, state the facts as objectively and fairly as possible, and provide relevant supporting materials.

If you are not satisfied with the result of the appeal, you can try another way to appeal or consult the relevant legal institutions for help.

Please wait patiently for the system audit and processing results while waiting for processing. Do not submit the same complaint repeatedly to avoid affecting the processing efficiency.

It is recommended to try other ways to solve the problem before appealing, such as changing the browser, clearing the cache, etc. If these methods cannot solve the problem, appeal again. This can reduce unnecessary waste of time.

For long-term blocked websites or websites involving commercial interests, consider consulting professional lawyers or legal institutions for more specific legal advice and help.

If you encounter any problems or difficulties in the process of appeal, you can contact Tencent customer service at any time for further help and support.

In conclusion, when Tencent products block websites, it is very important to understand how to appeal and follow the correct steps. I hope this article can help everyone solve the relevant problems smoothly and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. If you have any questions or need further information, please consult Tencent customer service or relevant professionals in a timely manner.

  • This article is written by Published on November 30, 2023 14:54:06
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/25191.html
