What's wrong with Chinese mobile phone number failing to register with Google? Causes and solutions

As one of the largest search engines and Internet companies in the world, Google has provided various services that have penetrated into every aspect of our daily life. However, for Chinese mobile phone users, registering a Google account has become a problem, and they can't use it directly. Then we will analyze the reasons why Chinese mobile phone accounts can't register with Google in detail and provide corresponding solutions.


1、 Cause analysis

Policy restrictions: Due to the policy restrictions on Google's services in mainland China, the Chinese mobile phone number cannot register a Google account.

Network environment: Due to the particularity of China's network environment, when registering with a Chinese mobile phone number, you may not be able to connect to the Google server due to network firewall and other reasons.

The mobile phone number is associated: In some cases, the Chinese mobile phone number may be associated with the Google account in other countries, resulting in the inability to register a new account.

Browser language problem

We need to change the browser language to the language that matches the IP address. For example, if the American IP address is used here, then my browser language needs to be changed to English. As in other countries, as long as it is the corresponding language, it is OK. This can effectively solve the problem that mobile phone numbers cannot be verified.

If you want to get a good one in a hurry, we also have a ready-made account for you. If you need it, you can check it. One person, one number, good quality and safety.


2、 Solution

Using scientific Internet access: By using scientific Internet access, you can bypass the Chinese network firewall and connect to the Google server. Please ensure that you choose a reliable scientific Internet service provider to ensure your privacy and data security.

Change the country code: try to register with Google servers in other countries. For example, you can try to register using Google servers in the United States. In this case, you need to change the country code of the phone number to the United States.

Change browser language flow:

1. Open Google Chrome and click the three click menu buttons in the upper right corner - Language - Add Language.


2. Enter "English", select "English" and click the Add button.


3. Click three points on the right side of English and select "Display Google Chrome in this language", then restart Google Chrome.


4. Open the website: click "Create account" and select "For myself"


5. Fill in according to the prompts, and then click the "Next" button.


6. Now input your mobile phone number and click "Next" to send SMS verification code.


7. Now you can receive the verification code!

In short, it is not impossible to solve the problem that Chinese mobile phone numbers cannot register Google accounts. You should be able to successfully register a Google account and enjoy the services it provides by understanding the policy restrictions, the network environment and the reasons for the association of mobile phone numbers, and taking corresponding solutions.

  • This article is written by Published on November 30, 2023 14:29:25
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/25169.html
