How to unbind foxmail for qq mailbox (detailed steps)

In the process of using email, there will be many accounts that will help each other, but sometimes when we don't want them, we need to unbind them. For example, when we no longer use an email client, or want to associate QQ mailbox with a new email client, we need to unbind the original Foxmail. Next, we will introduce the steps of unbinding Foxmail from QQ mailbox to help you successfully complete the unbinding operation.

How to unbind Foxmail for QQ mailbox

1、 Log in to QQ mailbox

First, you need to log in to your QQ mailbox. Enter [mail. qq. com] in the browser, then enter your QQ email account and password, and click Login.


2、 Enter the setting page

After successful login, click the [Set] button on the top of the QQ mailbox page to enter the setting page.


3、 Select Account

On the setting page, find the [Account] option and click to enter the account setting page.

4、 Find the Foxmail email account

On the account setting page, you can see the list of all third-party clients bound to QQ mailbox. Find the email account corresponding to [Foxmail] and click [Unbind].


5、 Confirm unbinding operation

After clicking the unbind button, the system will pop up a prompt box to confirm unbinding. After confirmation, click the [OK] button to complete the unbinding operation.

6、 Unbind successfully

After unbinding is successful, you will see a message indicating that unbinding is successful. At this point, your QQ mailbox has been successfully unbound from the Foxmail client.

Note that after unbinding, you cannot send or receive mail through the Foxmail client. If you still need to use the Foxmail client, be sure to back up your mail data before unbinding. In addition, besides the Foxmail client, other clients associated with QQ mailbox also need to be unbound.

Through the above steps, you have successfully unbound the association between QQ mailbox and Foxmail client. Now, you can try to associate QQ mailbox with a new mail client, or directly set the default mail client in QQ mailbox. If you have other questions or need further help, you can read more about the steps in this article.

  • This article is written by Published on November 29, 2023 14:52:59
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