Necessary for lovers to go out

 yuli May 21, 2019 06:00:21 The Book of Revelation comment one hundred and twenty-nine Reading mode

When we travel, we will definitely stay in a hotel or a small hotel, but we may become the protagonist of the video without being aware of it!

In order to prevent this kind of situation from happening, I would like to share with you today a magic device of mobile phone, which is used to detect whether there is a pinhole camera in a hotel or a hotel. This app is called DT Listener.

The interface after opening is as shown in the figure below, which will display the WiFi and IP address currently connected to your mobile phone. You can see that this app is very fruitful on the "Situation" page.


After registration, you can scan whether there is a camera, because the editor knows that there is no camera, and the test results are the same.


The key to using this software is to connect to the hotel's WiFi. Some people say it is useless, but it is essential to protect yourself and travel healthily. Anyway, I hope you can keep an eye on it when you go out.

Link: -ToqEsY4FHdHKgnihi5FrA

Extraction code: zpik

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