What should I do if I can't register with Google Email (registration tutorial is attached)

Google Email is a free email service launched by Google, which has the characteristics of wide global coverage, large capacity, and support for a variety of devices. However, in some cases, we may not be able to successfully register Google Mail. The following will provide you with a detailed Google Mail registration tutorial, and give the corresponding solutions for the situation that you cannot register.

1、 Google Email Registration Tutorial

First of all, the network environment is to use scientific online software, otherwise it can't be used directly, and then choose a stable scientific online software, otherwise it will be stuck, giving us a bad feeling of experience.

Step 1) Register with Google Chrome (Chrome kernel browser)


Download Chrome on Google's official website, not elsewhere!

Step 2) Open the official Gmail website www.gmail.com in Chrome browser, and click Create an account to create an account.

Fill in the name, date of birth, gender and other basic information


Step 3) Create a Gmail address. Gmail is the Google account you want to create.

The Gmail user name rule is a combination of numbers and English, which can be more than six pure letters, provided that it cannot be repeated with others. If the prompt is repeated, you need to change the user name.


Set Google Gmail password


Step 4) Set the auxiliary mailbox. You can either skip it or fill in your own QQ mailbox.


Step 5) Verify the domestic mobile phone number. In this step, you can choose to skip verification or fill in your own+86 mobile phone number for verification


Note: Google accounts can be registered for mobile phone numbers in Mainland China. We can select the "Mainland China" mobile phone number in the figure above, fill in the above information as prompted, and click "Next".


After we fill in the mobile number, Google will confirm the mobile number to us. In this step, after checking that there is no error in the mobile number, you can click the "Send" button to verify the mobile number. Next, click to send the verification code


Step 6) Receive the SMS verification code from Google, and then fill in the verification code.

Then click Next to enter this link. We can choose "Skip" or "Enable Now". Click "Skip" here to enter the privacy terms page.


Step 7) Confirm Google account information and agree to privacy and terms

Next step: [later]

After the creation of Google Gmail, we will officially enter the Gmail interface

If you don't want to register yourself, it's complicated. We also have a ready-made account, which uses one person and one account independently. It's no different from your own. If you need to, click the link below to buy.


2、 The reason and solution of Google Email's failure to register

Network problem: Google's server is located abroad, which may lead to unstable network connection or connection timeout. Solution: Try changing the network environment or using VPN tools to connect to foreign servers.

Browser problem: Some browsers may not be compatible with the Google Mail server, resulting in the inability to complete the registration. Solution: Try changing the browser or using a browser with good compatibility (such as Chrome, Firefox, etc.).

Incorrect user name or password: Please check whether the user name and password you entered are correct. If someone has already registered Google Mail with this user name, you will not be able to register with this user name again. Solution: Try changing the user name or password to ensure that the user name is unique and does not contain special characters.

Privacy policy and terms not agreed: During the registration process, you need to agree to Google's privacy policy and terms. If you do not agree to these terms, you will not be able to complete the registration. Solution: Please carefully read and agree to Google's privacy policy and terms, and check the corresponding options.

Invalid email address: If the email address you entered is invalid or Google thinks it is a spammer, you will not be able to complete the registration. Solution: Please enter a valid email address and ensure that the address has not been used for the registration of other Google accounts.

Regional restrictions: Some regions may not be able to directly access Google Mail server or register. Solution: Try to use VPN tools to connect to foreign servers or contact the local network administrator for help.

In conclusion, if you are unable to successfully register Google Mail, please check the network environment, browser compatibility, user name and password correctness, whether you agree with the privacy policy and terms, whether the e-mail address is valid, regional restrictions and other factors. I hope this tutorial can help you successfully register for Google Mail and start using the service.

  • This article is written by Published on November 27, 2023 15:51:50
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/24900.html
