Line Registration Tutorial Apple (the most detailed tutorial on the whole network)

Now there are more and more communication software and social media, which are convenient for our life. Line is also a well-known communication software. However, for some users, it may be difficult to register a Line account. The following editor will provide you with the most detailed line registration tutorial to help you successfully complete registration on Apple devices.

How to download line in China

1. One Apple device (generally using an Apple phone)

2. One US ID

Since Line is not available in domestic stores, it cannot be downloaded directly. If you want to download it, you have to go to the outside area to download it. To enter the outer area of the Apple App Store, I only need to log in a US ID in the App Store to successfully switch to it.

1. Open the Apple Store on the mobile phone desktop, click the avatar button in the upper right corner, pull down the page you enter, and pull to the bottom, click the exit button to exit our current mainland Apple ID, as shown below.


2. Enter our prepared American Apple ID in the ID account password input box, and click Login. If prompted for security, we click other options - do not upgrade, as shown below:


3. At this time, we can successfully log in to Apple ID in the US. After the successful login, don't worry about searching, wait for the interface to refresh. When the language becomes English, we are searching for "Line" on the App Store homepage, and then we can search it out and download it successfully


If you need an overseas Apple ID, you can click the link below to buy it. We can provide it to you. One person, one number, independent use, security and stability, and you can buy it with confidence.


Online account registration tutorial

If you want to register in China, you must use scientific online software, otherwise you cannot register.

Step 1: Download and install the Line application

First, you need to search and download the Line application in the App Store. After downloading, open the Line application and click the "Register" button.

Step 2: Select the registration method

On the registration page, you can choose to register by phone number or email address. If you want to register with your phone number, please enter your mobile number and click the "Next" button. If you want to register with your email address, please enter your email address and click the "Next" button.


Step 3: Enter the verification code or activate the email

If you choose to register with a phone number, Line will send you a verification code message. Please enter the received verification code and click the "Verify" button. If you choose to register with an email address, please check your email address, find the activation email sent by Line, and click the link to complete the registration.


Step 4: Set password and nickname

After completing verification code or activating email verification, you will be asked to set password and nickname. Please set a password that is easy to remember and safe, and choose a suitable nickname.

Step 5: Improve personal information

Next, you need to improve your personal information, including name, birthday, gender, etc. Be sure to provide accurate information to build trust when communicating with others.

Step 6: Add friends and follow accounts


After completing personal information improvement, you can start to add friends and follow the account. You can add friends by scanning QR code, searching ID or through the address book. At the same time, you can also follow the accounts you are interested in to get more information.

Step 7: Start using Line

Now that you have successfully registered your Line account, you can begin to enjoy the convenient communication experience brought by this communication application. Through Line, you can communicate with friends by text, voice, video calls, and share pictures, videos, music, and other content.

If you don't know anything, you can refer to the introduction of this article. If you need any steps, you can see the above step introduction. You are also welcome to pay more attention to this site and will publish more consultation content.

  • This article is written by Published on November 27, 2023 15:42:50
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