How to open flash in Google Chrome? Enable Google Chrome flash method

With the continuous development and updating of Internet technology, Flash has been eliminated by most modern browsers. However, sometimes we still need to use Flash to watch videos or games on some websites, which is useful. How to do that? Here is a way to enable Flash in Google Chrome. Let me share with you.

How to open flash in Google Browser

Open Google Browser, click the three buttons in the upper right corner, and select "Settings" in the pop-up menu.


Select Privacy and Security in the left menu, and then select Site Settings.


On the website settings page, select the Flash tab.


In the pop-up dialog box, enter the website address where Flash needs to be enabled, and then click Add.

After adding, click the "Finish" button. At this point, you have successfully enabled the Flash function in Google Chrome.


It should be noted that since Flash has stopped updating and supporting, there are security risks and compatibility problems when using Flash. If you do not need to use Flash, it is recommended to disable it. If you need to use Flash, it is recommended that you enable it only when necessary and avoid using Flash on untrusted websites.

In addition, other browsers such as Firefox Safari and others also provide a similar way to enable or disable Flash. Therefore, you can refer to the corresponding documentation or help center to learn how to enable or disable the Flash function according to the browser type and version you use.

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