Google Email free application for account registration tutorial, successfully registered in 3 minutes

In today's digital age, having an efficient email account has become an essential requirement for daily life and work. Google Mail has become one of the most popular email services in the world because of its convenience, efficiency and security. This article will provide you with a detailed Google Mail free application for account registration tutorial, so that you can successfully register within 3 minutes and enjoy world-class e-mail services.


Why register a Google email account

Huge storage space: Gmail provides a very large storage space. Free account users can get 15GB of space, which is enough for daily use.

Reliability and stability: Gmail is provided by Google, with powerful server and technical support, ensuring its reliability and stability. Users can safely use Gmail without worrying about information loss or system crash.

Powerful search function: Gmail has a built-in powerful search function, so users can quickly find specific emails through keywords. This is very useful for users who have a lot of mail.

Advanced filtering and tagging: Gmail allows users to create advanced filters and tags, which can automatically classify and organize emails and improve work efficiency.

Cross platform support: Gmail can be used on multiple platforms and devices, including computers, mobile phones and tablets. Users can access and manage their mailboxes anytime and anywhere.

Integration with other Google services: Gmail is closely integrated with other Google services (such as Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Google Cloud Disk, etc.), which can easily share information, schedules and documents.

Exclusive Google


If you feel that it is too troublesome to register, you can click the link to buy a finished Google account, register in a formal channel, and sell it to delete the backup information immediately. It is absolutely safe to sell it again. Because YouTube was acquired by Google, you can also use YouTube as long as you have a Google account.

How to register a Google account by email


1. Scientific Internet access: domestic users need to use scientific Internet access to open the Gmail website.

2. Email address: a common email address used to receive confirmation emails from Google Email.

3. Mobile phone number: used to receive SMS verification when Google email account is registered.

Registration process

Step 1: First, we connect to the magic Internet tool, then open Google's official website:, click the "Login" button in the upper right corner to come to the registration page, then click "Create Account" and select "Create for myself".

Step 2: fill in the last name, first name, user name and password according to the prompt, and click the "Next" button.

Step 3: Here, if your IP address is clean and stable enough, the phone number is optional. If not, we need to enter the phone number for verification.

If verification is required, enter your mobile phone number for verification, then select your birth date and gender, and click "Next".

Step 4: "Make full use of your phone number" We choose "Skip".

Step 5: Finally, agree to Google's relevant privacy rights and terms, and Google Email will be registered.

In this way, our Google email account was successfully registered!

Common problems and solutions of registering Google email account

Unable to receive verification code

Solution: The mobile phone number in mainland China cannot be verified. Even if you change regions, you cannot receive messages without adding 86 in front. It is recommended to use the gmail mailbox in the mobile QQ mailbox to register. The personal test is valid, and the verification code can also be received. You can also skip it if you need to call later.

The registration environment is not clean/stable

Solution: If the environment at the time of registration is not very clean/stable, and the Google gmail account is in China, the network requirements for registration are very high, which may lead to an abnormal situation when the first login occurs after the registration is successful. It is recommended to ensure the stability of the network environment and try to register again after changing the network environment.

Too many Google accounts registered

Solution: One mobile phone number can register countless Google accounts, but it is not recommended to register too many accounts. If you find that there are too many phone number verifications, you can try to change your phone number or wait for a period of time to register again.

You can successfully register and start using the Google Mail service within 3 minutes through the free Google Mail account application tutorial provided in this article. With perfect account settings and personalized customization options, you can better meet your needs and improve the security of your account. Start using your Google email account now and enjoy world-class email services!

Related reading

Google email account password (valid google email)

How to register a US Google account? (Google registration tutorial in America)

  • This article is written by Published on December 3, 2023 09:55:00
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