How does steam change the region? Steam Change Region Method

Steam platform, as one of the largest comprehensive digital distribution platforms in the world, has a large number of game resources. However, due to regional restrictions, some games may not be available for purchase or download in some regions. How can I change the settings of Steam region to switch between different regions? This article will introduce you to Steam's method of changing regions.


Why does steam want to change the region

On the Steam platform, players can change their account regions to switch between different regions and purchase games or applications in different regions.

Some games may have regional restrictions and only be sold or offered in specific regions. By changing regions, players can get a wider range of shopping options and enjoy the game features and benefits in different regions.

In addition, there may be differences in game prices in different regions. Game prices are relatively low in some regions, so changing regions can save game purchase costs.

Steam account purchase


If you need a steam account, you can directly click the icon link to buy it. All steam accounts sold on this site are downloaded through formal channels. One person has the exclusive right to delete backup information.

How to change the region of steam

Modify Steam account data region

Since Steam's network restrictions are relatively strict, it is necessary to use magic Internet tools when modifying countries or regions to avoid the detection of real IP addresses, so as to avoid login problems.

First, after logging into Steam account, click "View my profile":


Second, click "Edit Profile":


Step 3: change to a new country/region.


Modify the region of Steam account

If you want to change the location of Steam account, it is complicated. You need to follow the steps below to avoid detecting the real IP address:

The first step is magic Internet access.

Step 2: Enter Steam, click the avatar in the upper right corner, and select Account Details:


Step 3, update the country/region:


Step 4, contact Steam customer service:


Step 5, the page will display the current IP location. You need to confirm that you have selected the correct regional server in the magic Internet tool, and then contact Steam customer service to modify it.


Step 6: Select the country/region to be changed and contact customer service.


What is the impact of changing region in steam

Changing the region setting of Steam account may affect some functions and services.

First of all, if players transfer their accounts from the high price zone to the low price zone, they'd better make sure that they are really in the region, otherwise they may face a series of problems. In the light case, the account may be locked in the new area server, so that the player cannot return to the originally locked area. In serious cases, Steam may directly ban the account.

Secondly, if the player violates Steam's service terms, commits fraud or violates relevant laws and regulations, the account may also be restricted or blocked.

In addition, the pricing of games in different regions may be different. Players may see games priced in the new region after changing the regional settings. At the same time, some games or content may be restricted in specific regions, and players may not be able to access or purchase games in specific regions after changing the regional settings.

Finally, the player needs to use a payment method compatible with the selected region to purchase. Some regions may have specific requirements for payment methods.

With Steam's method of changing regions introduced in this article, you can easily convert regions and purchase games and items in different regions. However, please pay attention to the precautions and restrictions during operation to avoid unnecessary risks and problems. I hope this article can help you to successfully change the region and enjoy a better game experience on the Steam platform.

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