Detailed registration steps of gmail email, hand to hand teach you to register gmail email

When it comes to Google, you should be familiar with the world famous Internet companies, which have many services, and Google Email is one of them. As a free email service provided by Google, Gmail has powerful functions and good user experience, so it is loved by users. Now let's introduce how to register Gmail email, so that you can get started easily.

Google email registration steps

Prerequisite preparation:

Scientific online tools, otherwise you can't access the official website.

Mobile phone number: both at home and abroad, it is easier to register mobile phones abroad;

One email address;

Google Browser: need to have no trace mode and change the browser language to English;

Turn off the location service of your computer;

If you don't want to register yourself, you can click on the link below to buy them. They are all used by one person and one person, and you can buy them with confidence.


Registration steps:

1、 Visit Gmail official website

Enter the official website of Gmail in the browser address bar( ), enter the registration page of Gmail. Select a language in the upper right corner of the page and click the "Create Account" button.


2、 Fill in registration information

On the registration page, you need to fill in the following information:

User name: This is the name of your Gmail account. You can choose your favorite name or nickname. Please ensure that the user name has not been used.

Password: This is the login password of your Gmail account. Please select a strong password and ensure its complexity and security.

Date of birth: Select your date of birth so that Gmail can provide you with more personalized services.

Gender: Select your gender so that Gmail can provide you with more personalized services.

Other optional information: according to personal preferences, you can choose to fill in auxiliary email, mobile phone number, country/region and other information. This information will help you find your account when you forget your password or encounter other problems.


Solution to "This phone number cannot be used for verification":

How to solve this problem? The main factor is the IP address. Mobile phone numbers can be registered many times, and Google has cut off the way for domestic users to register Google accounts from the source of browsers.

Operation steps:

(1) Open Google Chrome browser, click the three points in the upper right corner, and then find the [Settings] button;


(2) Select [Language] in the advanced menu, add [English] and select "Display Google Chrome in this language", remove the Chinese language, and then restart your Google browser;


After restarting the browser, enter the Google registration page, and your phone number can receive the Google verification code.

3、 Verify email address

After filling in the registration information, click the "Create Account" button to submit the registration information. At this time, the Gmail platform will send a verification email to your email address to verify whether your email address is valid. Please check the email and complete the verification steps according to the prompts in the email.


4、 Complete registration

After receiving the verification email, click the link in the email to enter the Gmail account activation page. On the activation page, you need to set your main email address and password. After confirmation, click the "Finish" button to complete the Gmail account registration.

5、 Personalization

After registration, you can also make some personalized settings, such as selecting theme, adjusting font size, adding custom signature, etc. These settings can be selected according to your personal preferences, so that you can use Gmail more comfortably.

6、 Use Gmail mailbox

Once you have completed your personalization, you can start using Gmail. You can check the content of the email by clicking the subject of the email, or you can reply or forward the email by clicking the "Reply" or "Forward" button. At the same time, Gmail also supports multi task processing, so you can open multiple email windows at the same time to improve work efficiency.

7、 Security and privacy protection

When using Gmail, you need to pay attention to security and privacy protection. First of all, you should avoid using weak passwords or insecure passwords, and change passwords regularly to ensure account security. Secondly, be careful to open emails and attachments from unknown sources to avoid virus infection or personal information disclosure. In addition, you can set secondary verification to improve the security of your account and prevent others from stealing your account. At the same time, you can control the visible range and sharing method of personal information in privacy settings to protect personal privacy.

In short, through the above steps, you can easily register your own Gmail account and start using it for daily communication. Please pay attention to security and privacy protection during use to ensure personal information security and account security. If you encounter any problems or difficulties in the process of registration or use, you can contact the Gmail customer service team for help at any time.

  • This article is written by Published on November 24, 2023 15:42:01
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