The latest tutorial of Google account registration allows you to quickly register Google account

Google account has many uses. You can log in some software to use it directly. It is also one of the largest Internet companies in the world. More and more people begin to use Google's services, including Gmail, Google Maps, Google Drive, etc. These services need a Google account to use. Here is the latest Google account registration tutorial for you to quickly register your own Google account.


Google Account Registration Latest Tutorial

Preparation tool:

Scientific Internet access tools: We must use clean and stable scientific Internet access tools (too many people use scientific Internet access tools that are not clean and stable, leading to registration failure, and network problems can also lead to mobile phone numbers that cannot be verified);

Mobile phone number: both at home and abroad, it is easier to register mobile phones abroad;

One email address;

Google Browser: need to have no trace mode and change the browser language to English;

Turn off the location service of your computer;

If you need a Google account, you can click the link below to purchase an exclusive Google account. One account for one person, one account for one person, safe use, high quality and stability.


Registration steps:

1、 Visit Google account registration page

Enter the URL of Google account registration page in the browser( ), enter the Google account registration page. Select a language in the upper right corner of the page and click the "Create Account" button.


2、 Fill in registration information

On the registration page, you need to fill in the following information:


User name: This is the name of your Google account. You can choose your favorite name or nickname. Please ensure that the user name has not been used.

Password: This is the login password of your Google account. Please select a strong password and ensure its complexity and security.

Email address: This is the email address used to receive various notifications and services from Google. Please make sure you enter the correct email address to receive important messages.

Verification code: To prevent the robot from automatically registering, you need to enter the verification code characters in the picture. Please enter the correct verification code characters in the picture.


Region: Select your region so that Google can provide you with more personalized services.

Other optional information: according to personal preferences, you can choose to fill in auxiliary email, mobile phone number, birthday, gender and other information. This information will help you find your account when you forget your password or encounter other problems.

3、 Submit registration information

After filling in the registration information, click the "Create Account" button to submit the registration information. At this time, Google platform will send a verification email to your email address to verify whether your email address is valid. Please check the email and complete the verification steps according to the prompts in the email.


4、 Complete registration

After receiving the verification email, click the link in the email to enter the activation page of Google account. On the activation page, you need to set your main email address and password. After confirmation, click the "Finish" button to complete the registration of Google account.


5、 Add auxiliary mailbox and mobile phone number

To improve the security of your account, it is recommended to add an auxiliary email and mobile phone number to your Google account. This can help you quickly retrieve your account when you forget your password or encounter other problems.

Add auxiliary mailbox: click the "Security Settings" option on the Google account page to enter the security settings page. In the "Auxiliary Mailbox" tab, click the "Add Auxiliary Mailbox" button, enter your auxiliary mailbox address and confirm that it is correct, then click the "Add" button to add successfully.

Add mobile phone number: click the "Security Settings" option on the Google account page to enter the security settings page. In the "Mobile phone number" tab, click the "Add mobile phone number" button, enter your mobile phone number and click the "Add" button after confirmation. Note: You need to enter the international area code and mobile phone number of your region. For example, the international area code of China is+86.

So far, you have successfully registered a Google account and set up an auxiliary email and mobile phone number to improve the security of your account. Now you can use this account to log in to Google's various services. If you encounter any problems or difficulties during the registration process, you can contact Google's customer service team for help at any time.

  • This article is written by Published on November 24, 2023 15:27:45
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