How to open and register Sohu corporate email (detailed registration tutorial)

We now have many corporate mailboxes on the market, of course, the registration method is basically the same. Today we are going to talk about Sohu's corporate mailbox. Sohu's corporate mailbox is a corporate mailbox service launched by Sohu, which aims to provide enterprises with safe, stable and efficient e-mail communication solutions. Sohu's corporate mailbox supports global email communication and has the characteristics of high reliability, high security, high stability, etc. So how to register? The following steps can be seen.

Sohu Corporate Email Registration Process

Visit the official website of Sohu Enterprise Email

First, you need to visit the official website of Sohu Corporate Mail( )。 On the official website page, you can see the detailed introduction and registration portal of Sohu's corporate email.


Fill in registration information

On the registration page, you need to fill in the following information:


Enterprise name: Please enter the name of your enterprise so that we can customize your personalized email domain name.

Administrator Name: Please enter the name of your enterprise administrator so that we can provide you with better services.

Administrator Email: Please enter the email address of your enterprise administrator so that we can communicate with you.

Company domain name: Please enter the domain name of your company so that we can create a dedicated corporate mailbox domain name for you.

Verification code: Please enter the verification code in the page to verify your operation.

Submit registration information

After filling in the registration information, please click the "Register Now" button to submit your registration information. We will receive your registration information and open Sohu corporate email service for you.


Log in to the background of corporate mailbox

After you receive the opening notice of Sohu's corporate email, you can log in to your corporate email background. On the login page, you need to enter the administrator's email address and password. If you forget your password, you can reset it by retrieving it.

Set mailbox domain name and administrator permissions

After logging in to the corporate mailbox background, you need to set your corporate mailbox domain name and administrator permissions. You can customize your corporate email domain name to show your corporate image and brand. You can also set the permissions of other administrators so that they can help you manage your corporate mailbox.


Start using Sohu corporate email

After completing the above steps, you can start to use Sohu Cmail. You can add other members to your mailbox and assign them different permissions. You can also use various functions and tools to improve productivity and collaboration.

Through the above detailed registration tutorial, you can successfully open Sohu Enterprise Mail and start using it. Sohu Cmail has excellent performance and rich functions, which can help your enterprise improve work efficiency and collaboration ability. If you encounter any problems or need help in the use process, please contact our official service team to check.

  • This article is written by Published on November 24, 2023 14:17:16
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