How to apply for foreign steam (foreign steam account registration)

As everyone who likes playing games knows, steam platform has a large number of games, rich resources, and supports various types of games, including stand-alone games, online games, etc. However, due to regional restrictions, many people cannot directly apply for Steam accounts abroad in China. So the registration steps are more complicated, so let's introduce how to register a foreign steam account.

Steam Foreign Account Registration Tutorial

Select target region

After understanding the restrictions and regulations of the target area, we need to select a target area. The following factors need to be considered when selecting target areas:

Regional restrictions: you need to select a region without too many restrictions.

Network environment: It is necessary to select a region with good network environment to avoid problems in the application process. Prepare scientific online tools.

Language environment: You need to select a region with similar language environment to facilitate subsequent use.

If you want to use steam directly, we also have a ready steam account for you. If you need it, you can click the link below to buy it directly.


Apply for overseas Steam account

After preparing the application materials, you can start to apply for a foreign Steam account. The specific steps are as follows:

Open Steam official website( ), click the "Login" button in the upper right corner.


On the login page, click the "Create a new account" button.


On the registration page, fill in your email, mobile phone number, payment method and other information, as well as select the country you want to select, and click the "Next" button.


On the next page, fill in your address information, and upload the ID card and other necessary supporting documents. Then there will be an email verification, and the registration will be successful after the verification.


Create your account, enter your account name and password, click Finish to complete the registration.


At this time, you will be prompted "New account created successfully". Click "Continue" to jump to the login interface. So far, you have successfully registered your steam account. Now you can log in and play.


matters needing attention

When applying for a foreign Steam account, the following points should be noted:

Do not use domestic email or mobile phone number to avoid being rejected or blocked.

Do not use domestic payment methods to avoid being unable to pay or rejected.

Do not fill in untrue personal information to avoid being rejected or blocked.

When using a foreign Steam account, pay attention to protecting personal privacy and security, and do not disclose personal information to strangers.

In a word, you need to be fully prepared to apply for a foreign Steam account, and fill in true and effective personal information and supporting documents as required. In the application process, attention should be paid to regional restrictions and language environment. A valid foreign Steam account can only be obtained by filling in the true and effective information according to the regulations and complying with the platform regulations.

  • This article is written by Published on November 23, 2023 14:07:50
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