How to register Apple ID? Domestic registration of American version apple id method

In today's digital era, many people need an Apple ID of their own. However, sometimes for various reasons, we may not be able to directly register the US version of Apple ID in the mainland of China. So what method should we use to successfully register the US version of Apple ID in China? This article will provide you with detailed registration steps, so that you can easily have your own version of Apple ID.

Why register for Apple ID?

Get more applications and services: American Apple ID allows you to get more applications and services, including some that are not available in mainland China.

More gaming and entertainment experience: The American version of Apple ID allows you to play more international games and compete and communicate with global players.

Higher system security: By registering the American Apple ID, you can obtain higher system security, because your device will be easier to obtain the latest security updates and patches.

Exclusive account

怎么注册美版苹果id?国内注册美版apple id方法

If you think it is too troublesome to register, you can directly click the icon button to purchase the finished Apple ID, and the ID of this website can be downloaded through the formal channel, which is absolutely safe. Once sold, you can delete the backup information immediately, without repeated sales.

Domestic registration of American version apple id method

Step 1

Enter Apple's official website: , click to create your Apple ID

怎么注册美版苹果id?国内注册美版apple id方法

Step 2

Fill in the last name and first name [English]. The country or region should be mainland China first, and the birth date should be set to be over 18 years old. You can select QQ, 163, iCloud, gmail and other mailboxes.

怎么注册美版苹果id?国内注册美版apple id方法

Step 3

Set the mobile phone number in mainland China. The verification method is optional. Do not check the announcements, APP, music, TV programs, etc. Click Continue after filling in

怎么注册美版苹果id?国内注册美版apple id方法

Step 4

Find the received verification code in the email you filled in, fill in to verify the email, and click Continue

怎么注册美版苹果id?国内注册美版apple id方法

Step 5

Fill in the verification code received by your phone to verify the phone number, click Continue

怎么注册美版苹果id?国内注册美版apple id方法

Step 6

You should jump to this page, select personal information - country or region, click it, and then select the change region in the page that comes out, go to the next step

怎么注册美版苹果id?国内注册美版apple id方法

Step 7

Select the United States as the country or region, and select None as the payment method

怎么注册美版苹果id?国内注册美版apple id方法

Step 8

Fill in the mailing address, name and corridor of the bill, and others must use the real address in the United States

怎么注册美版苹果id?国内注册美版apple id方法

Step 9

Fill in the shipping address, which is consistent with the content filled in the previous step. You can click the copy option in the figure, directly copy it with one click, and then click the update option below to save it

怎么注册美版苹果id?国内注册美版apple id方法


At last, the following figure appears, indicating that the change was successful. Now your US ID has been registered and can be used. Exit your country ID in the app store, and then log in to the US region ID. The app store will automatically switch to the content of the corresponding region. The first time you log in, you may agree to the terms to complete the whole process from ID registration to use. Click it directly.

怎么注册美版苹果id?国内注册美版apple id方法

matters needing attention

1. When registering for Apple ID, please ensure that your network connection is secure to avoid being attacked by hackers or stealing personal information.

2. Do not use the same Apple ID on multiple devices to avoid unnecessary risks.

3. When using Apple ID, please ensure that you understand the relevant laws, regulations and privacy policies to protect your legitimate rights and interests.

4. If your American Apple ID is stolen or lost, please contact Apple customer service in time and take corresponding measures to protect your account security.

5. Please do not use other people's personal information or other people's Apple devices to register your American Apple ID, so as to avoid infringing other people's rights and interests and committing criminal acts.

Through the introduction of this article, I believe you have learned how to register the American version of Apple ID in China. In the process of registration, you need to pay attention to some details and matters to ensure the security and legitimacy of your account. At the same time, we also remind you to pay attention to protecting your legal rights and account security when using the American version of Apple ID. I hope this article can help you!

Related reading

How to register Apple ID in the US? (Tutorial test is available)

How to register Apple ID in the United States? (Apple ID registration tutorial in the US)

  • This article is written by Published on November 22, 2023 17:43:04
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