How to apply for the registration of corporate email (steps of corporate email registration)

The enterprise mailbox has become an important tool for business communication, and also an essential platform for enterprises to carry out daily operations and business expansion. It is also important for a company to have a corporate mailbox. However, some partners do not know how to register a corporate mailbox, so we will introduce the application and registration process of the corporate mailbox in detail to help you successfully complete the registration of the corporate mailbox.


Steps of mailbox registration

1、 Determine email service provider

First, you need to choose a suitable email service provider. Common email service providers include Netease, Tencent, Alibaba Cloud, etc. These service providers all provide enterprise mailbox services, but there may be differences in specific functions, prices and stability. Therefore, when choosing a service provider, you need to consider your needs and budget comprehensively.

2、 Enter the email registration page

After determining the email service provider, you need to enter its official website or log on to its official website to find the corporate email registration page. Normally, this page will provide detailed registration process and guidance.

3、 Fill in registration information

After entering the registration page, you need to fill in a series of registration information, including enterprise name, domain name, administrator name, e-mail address, etc. Please ensure that the information filled in is true and effective for subsequent use and management.

4、 Verify domain name ownership

After submitting the registration information, the email service provider usually requires you to verify the ownership of the domain name. This can be done by modifying the DNS record at the domain name registrar. The specific steps may vary depending on the service provider. Please follow the instructions provided by the service provider.

5、 Set up a corporate mailbox management account

After completing the domain name ownership verification, you need to set up a corporate mailbox management account for subsequent mailbox management and monitoring. The management account usually has the authority to add or delete users, modify passwords, and set permissions. When setting up a management account, you need to ensure the security of the account name and password.

6、 Add employee email account

After successfully registering in the corporate email, you need to add an employee email account. This can be done by adding new users or batch importing users in the management console. When adding users, you need to assign each user a unique mailbox address and corresponding permission level.

7、 Set mail filtering rules

In order to ensure the normal operation and security of the corporate mailbox, you need to set some mail filtering rules, such as spam filters, black and white list settings, etc. These rules can help you filter out unnecessary emails and improve the efficiency of email processing.

8、 Configure security settings

To protect the security of the enterprise mailbox, you need to configure some security settings, such as SSL encryption, login protection, and so on. These settings can increase the security of the corporate mailbox and prevent unauthorized access and data disclosure.

Tencent email registration steps

Please go to the official website

Enterprise WeChat

, click [Register Now] to open [Enterprise WeChat].


Method 1: choose to open enterprise WeChat immediately and open enterprise mailbox at the same time. Register the enterprise WeChat, enter the enterprise name, administrator name, administrator mobile phone number, SMS verification code on the page, and use the administrator's WeChat scanning code to complete the registration.


Method 2: If there is an existing enterprise WeChat, you can select "Enterprise has an official website" in [Enterprise WeChat background ->Collaboration ->Email] to bind your own domain name; If the enterprise does not have a private domain name, you can choose "the enterprise does not have an official website" to register and purchase the domain name or directly use the experience secondary domain name provided by the system to use the corporate mailbox.


In a word, the registration of the enterprise mailbox is a relatively simple but patient and careful process. During the registration process, you need to select the appropriate service provider, fill in the real registration information, verify the domain name ownership, set up management accounts, add employee email accounts, set email filtering rules, configure security settings, and perform system backup and monitoring. After completing these steps, you can successfully complete the registration of the mailbox and begin to enjoy the convenience and value it brings.

  • This article is written by Published on November 22, 2023 15:19:20
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