How to register a foreign ID (Apple's international ID registration steps)

As we all know, Apple ID is different from domestic and foreign, and then the resources will be different. Now more and more users need to use the international version of Apple ID to enjoy different rights. International ID allows users to access and enjoy the content in Apple's App Store in different countries or regions. Here's a detailed introduction to how to register Apple's international ID to help you easily create your own international ID.

1、 Understand the registration process

Before you begin to register, you need to understand the whole registration process. The registration process of Apple International ID is relatively simple, but it requires some patience and time. The following are the basic steps of registration:

Prepare a valid email address. Ensure that the email address has not been used for the registration of other Apple accounts.

Prepare a valid mobile phone number or landline. This number is used to receive the verification code sent by Apple.

Enter the Apple International ID registration page. You can access the registration page through Apple's official website or a third-party website.

Fill in personal information according to the prompts on the page, including email address, password, mobile phone number, etc.

Agree to and abide by Apple's privacy policy and user agreement.

Complete the registration and log in to your Apple International ID.

2、 Start Registration

Taking the US Apple ID registration as an example, the following are the specific registration steps:

Step 1: First, you need to connect to the scientific online tool, turn on the global mode, and then enter the official Apple website in the address bar: , enter, you will come to the home page of Apple official website, click the "Login" button in the page


Step 2: fill in the corresponding information according to the prompts on the page, first name, last name (English is required), region (select the United States), date of birth (over 18 years old), password, confirmation password, mobile phone number (select SMS verification). The last two options can be defaulted. Enter the verification code in the figure and click the "Continue" button.


Step 3: Next, we need to verify the email and mobile phone number we filled in. After receiving the verification code, we can fill in it to successfully register.


But we have just finished the general work here. Next, we need to activate the just registered Apple ID account in Meiqu to download the software.

Step 4: Open your phone's App Store, click the avatar in the upper right corner, then drag it down to the bottom, click the "Exit Login" button, enter the password of the Apple ID account just registered in Meiqu, and click the "Login" button.


Step 5: Now we search for a software at random, such as tiktok, and click Get to prompt "This Apple ID has not been used in the iTunes store". Now we click "Check" to improve the data


Step 6: Now we have come to the key step. Open "Agree to Terms and Conditions", and then remember not to choose the payment method. The following information can be obtained and filled in using the US address generator, so that our US Apple ID account is registered successfully.


During the registration process, please pay attention to the following points:

Please use an email address and mobile phone number that has never been registered for other Apple accounts to ensure the security of your account.

Please remember the password you set. If you forget your password, you can retrieve or reset it through Apple's official website.

When filling in personal information, please ensure that the information is true and valid. If false information is provided, your account may be permanently blocked.

During the registration process, if you encounter any problems or error prompts, please do not operate blindly or change your personal information at will. You can try restarting the device or try again later. If the problem still exists, it is recommended to contact Apple's official customer service for help.

  • This article is written by Published on November 22, 2023 15:13:34
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